Page 4 of Cyprus's Truth

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My world teeters and all the air in my lungs swooshes right out of me. “Beckham.”



“What the fuck?” I narrow my gaze on the woman standing with Rachel. “What are you doing here?”

“Cyprus,” Rachel snaps, “Noelle has applied to be a nanny.”

“Like fuck she has,” I sneer, glaring at Noelle.

“Rachel, it’s okay,” Noelle says at the same time. Something flickers in her eyes, and I don’t bother to think what it could be.

The pain of seeing her brings back memories of the past. Memories I like to keep buried. The ones of my best friend, her brother, and him being killed because of her. I turn my attention to Rachel. “Find someone else,” I snap and storm off, away from both women. Anger rushes through me and the need to punch something is strong.

I head to the gym, needing to be far away from Noelle.

Fuck, I haven’t seen her since Noah’s funeral, and she’s more beautiful now than she was back then. I push the thought away because it doesn’t matter. It will never matter.

In the gym, I strip my cut and shirt off and place them on a bench. I grab a roll of tape that I keep there and wrap my hands the best I can. Stepping over to the punching bag, I slam my fist into the damn thing and zone out. My mind going to that time in my life I try to forget about.

* * *

“Man, stop staring at my little sister,” Noah snorts and slaps the back of my head. “She’s too young for you.”

“Can’t help that your sister is hot.” I grin, looking to my best friend. “For a freshman, I gotta admit, I’m not the only one who’s noticed she’s the sweetest piece in our school.”

“Beck, I will beat the shit out of you and anyone else who dares touch her,” Noah growls, narrowing his eyes briefly before losing the scowl and grinning with me. He knows I’d never go there. Even knowing about the crush she’s got on me.

Noah told me about it and warned me at the beginning of the school year to never go there with her. He wants his sister to be able to follow her dreams, which meant keeping her innocent and pure, and being with me, I’d darken that glimmer in her with the shit that I deal with. I know the shit Noah deals with and he knows what I have at home. I don’t understand why he shields his sister the way he does, but it’s just who he is.

“Swear no one will touch her and I’ll help make sure of it,” I promise.

“I didn’t hear you say you wouldn’t be.” Noah cocks a brow, and I don’t get to answer before Noelle joins us, smiling brightly and looking at her brother like he hung the moon.

* * *

“Cyprus, what the fuck?” Stoney growls, getting my attention.

I shake the memory off and turn my focus from the punching bag to face Stoney and a furious Rachel. Tracker, Blaze, and their ol’ ladies also stand just behind Prez, watching and assessing the situation.

“What?” I ask, brushing off thoughts of Noelle. At least trying to.

“Thought you wanted Rachel to find you a nanny?” Stoney quips.

“Yeah, just not her,” I mutter and turn away from him.

“She was the best fit, Cyprus,” Rachel snaps, throwing her arms in the air. “I went through all those who have applied so far and all but three were pretty much looking for a way into the club. The other two, I looked into, and in my opinion, they wouldn’t have worked out. Not after what Nerd found in the background checks he ran.”

“He run one on her?” I ask a little too harshly.

“He did.” Stoney nods. “I looked at the file myself. I know who she is.”

“Then you know why I want to find someone else.” I start unraveling the tape from my hands as Raven moves forward.

“Why don’t you want her to be Bride’s nanny?” she asks, staring at me oddly.

“I have my reasons,” I grumble and level a glare on each of the ol’ ladies. “And no, this is not something you all can use to play matchmaker. I don’t want to be around her.”

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