Page 65 of Risky Proposal

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“What’s going on?”

“Got a text from my uncle. My dad found himself in some trouble.”

Bear ran his hand along his beard. “You goin’ home?”

I put my hands on my hips. “Need to.”

He tilted his head. “Blowback?”

“It’s a possibility,” I admitted.

He studied me closely. Blowback on the club was his primary concern. He’d been working hard to clean up the club, and I knew he didn’t want my shit tarnishing that, but he was also a family man who understood loyalty better than most.

I wasn’t surprised when he finally replied, “How long do you need?”

“Don’t know. I fly out in a few hours. I’ll call you when I know more.”

“You need backup?”

“Nah. Gotta handle this shit on my own.” When he jerked up his chin, I continued. “Got a few things for Becs and Wyatt. Any chance you can make sure they get them tomorrow?”

Bear grinned. “Yeah, I can do that.” He gestured toward the hallway. “Just put them in my office.” He studied me for a minute. “You tell her?”

I frowned. “No.”

“Worried it’s not safe?”

“I just don’t know what I’m walking into yet.”

He nodded his head slightly. “Want some advice?”

I jerked up my chin even though I already knew what he was going to say.

“As soon as you have an idea, let her know.”

That was exactly what I thought he’d say, but I couldn’t promise that. Bear didn’t know the world I came from. He had no idea the lengths the people I ran with would go to in order to get what they wanted, although he should, considering his background wasn’t all that different. “I gotta pack.”

“Keep me updated.”

“Yep,” I called out while heading toward the stairs.

I was packed and on my way to the airport within twenty minutes, Bear’s words still echoing in my mind. I wanted to share it all with her, but doing that would only put her in danger. Becs wasn’t one to sit idly by while people she cared about were fighting their own battles.

She was always willing to jump in without considering her safety.

And I was determined to keep her safe.

Chapter 22


Humming along with the Christmas music I had playing, I put a few more ornaments on the tree before stepping back and looking at my work. I smiled when I remembered all the teasing I used to hear from Bear when Mom and I would decorate the tree. He said my love of Christmas didn’t fit with everything else about me. He was right, but I still loved the holiday, and most of that had to do with the fact that my mom had.

The tree was a nice distraction today. I’d woken and almost immediately knew I was alone in my bed. I let the sadness wash over me, but then Wyatt cried, and I had no choice except to get up. It was only after we came downstairs that I knew he was actually gone. I’d picked up the note, immediately recognizing the writing as Race’s before I read the words.

Something came up. I’ll text you when I know more.

Shaking off the sadness threatening to overwhelm me, I glanced over at Wyatt, who was happily swinging in his swing and sucking on his fingers. My mom would’ve loved to spend Christmas with her first grandchild. Or at least that was what I thought, but maybe a holiday without my dad would’ve been too much to bear.

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