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Italy is beautiful,exactly what I was expecting although maybe a little lonelier since my best friend had to bail at the last minute. She had a work thing come up and her bosshole wouldn’t let her leave, even though he had already given her the time off.

We had both needed a vacation after working out butts off for the last two years and we had been counting down the days until we left with excitement. Nora had been talking nonstop about having a hot romantic affair while she was over here. She hadn’t gotten laid in well… ever and she figured the best time to do it would be with a stranger who she would never have to see afterwards. Less embarrassing if it sucked, she explained.

Me? I just wanted to see Italy, enjoying some time with Nora, and eat as much pasta and gelato as I could manage. We had decided against a tour, wanting to explore at our own pace but now that I’m here alone, I’m kind of wishing that we had done one. It’s strange seeing such beautiful places by yourself and I think I look like a loser taking selfies of myself all alone on vacation.

Maybe that’s why I’m here in this bar. Do they still call them bars over here? Maybe I should lay off the wine. I’ve been here for a while and I’ve lost count of the number of glasses I’ve had. It’s just so good. I normally don’t like wine but it tastes so much better over here.

“Ciao bella,” comes a voice from my right and I jerk.

There’s some tan guy standing right at my elbow and I squint, wondering if he’s really standing that close or if my depth perception is just off from drinking too much.

“Hiii,” I say, frowning as the words leave my mouth.Am I slurring?

“American?” He asks with a smirk and I nod, then get dizzy and have to grab onto the bartop.

“Easy,” comes a voice from behind me and I look over my shoulder as a hand comes out to steady me.

The hottest guy I’ve ever seen is sitting behind me and I wonder if my guy-dar really is broken like Nora always says. Wavy dark brown hair gleams in the low light and blue eyes twinkle at me. His face looks like it was chiseled by a god with high cheekbones, a straight nose, and a jawline that looks like it could cut. He flashes me a smile and I notice the row of straight white teeth before my eyes snag on the dimples in his cheeks. I think I might have just sighed.

“I’ve got her, man,” the first guy says and I blink as I turn around to face him.

He’s not as handsome as the other guy and I want to turn around and stare at him instead.

“What’s your name, bella?” First guy asks and I wrinkle my nose.

“Laylin,” I answer after a beat and he gives me a wide smile.

“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he says, leaning in closer to me.

“Uh huh,” I say, unsure what to respond with to that.

“I was just about to get out of here. Would you like to come with me, Laylin? I have a boat,” he says, leaning in closer and I lean back, almost tipping over in my chair.

“Whoa!” I say, yelping as I tip back but the hot guy catches me. I flash him a smile and he smirks back at me before the first guy draws my attention back to him.

“Would you like to come out on my boat?”

“I can’t remember. Isn't this how one of those Taken movies started?”

I can see the hot guy sitting next to me at the bar grin but the guy in front of me doesn’t find my question funny.

“No, it’s how one ends,” Mr. Dreamboat, as I will now and forever call him, interjects.

“I can’t tell if that’s better or worse. Worse, right?”

“Oh, yeah,” he says nodding his head as he brings his glass to his lips.

“So, you don’t want to see my boat?” The guy asks and I startle when I realize that he’s still standing there. Guess I was lost in Dreamboats eyes.

“No, thanks.”

“Listen, Laylin. I think you’re drunk,”

“Is that why you’re hitting on me?”
