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“I’ve been looking for you since you left Italy. The PI finally found you so here I am.”

I nod like that makes sense and he steps closer to me, taking my hands in his.

“I missed you so much, Laylin. I’m sorry for what I did, so fucking sorry. I just didn’t want to let you go and instead I pushed you away. How can I make up for it? Tell me and I’ll do it. I’d do anything for you,” he says in a rush and I stare blankly up at him.

“I’m pregnant,” I tell him and now I’ve shocked him.

He stares at me with wide eyes before a giant grin overtakes his face and he lets out a whoop, dropping to his knees in front of me.

“Hey, little one,” he croons as he starts talking to my belly.

My heart swells at the sight and I clear my throat when my eyes start to water.

“While I’m down here,” Rowan starts and I look back to see him pulling something from his pocket.

“Laylin, I know that I messed up and I will always be sorry for that stupid decision but I love you. You’re the only woman that I’ve ever loved and I need you in my life. I know it’s soon, I know that I have a lot to make up for, but I promise that I will do anything to make you mine. I’d do anything to make you and our baby happy and I promise to always take care of both of you and any other kids that we have. Will you forgive me? Will you marry me?” He asks, opening the jewlers box and holding the ring out to me.

Nora and I have talked a lot about what happened and I’ve sorted out my feelings. Did he do something really dumb? Yes. Was it a mistake? Absolutely, but I also think that he tried to make up for it and that fact that he looked for me, has been looking for me, and came all this way has to mean something. I realized two days after I got home that I loved him too. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been so upset about losing him. So with tears in my eyes, I nod.

“Yes. To both,” I say as a few tears slip free.

“I love you. I love you so much,” he says as he cradles me against him and rains kisses all over my face.

I kiss him back and we laugh as he slips the ring onto my finger.

“Oh, I brought you something else,” he says as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Bakeman cookie.

“I remember how much you said you liked these,” he says, handing it to me with a smirk and I laugh as I remember our first night together.


“My pleasure,” he says as I unwrap it and take a big bite.



Five Years Later…

I holdmy wife’s hand in mine as we watch the kids rush up the plane's stairs and disappear inside. With the amount of time we spend flying, they’re practically pros and they know where to go and sit. I rub Laylin’s belly as I help her up the stairs and she smiles at me as we board the private plane.

We got married about a month after I proposed. She said she didn’t want to be too far along when she was walking down the aisle and I was all for making her Mrs. Bakeman as fast as possible.

Our first child, a boy we named Liam was born seven months later and before I knew it, Laylin was pregnant again. We had another boy, Ryan, and then I thought we were done but six months ago, we got a surprise. It’s a girl this time and I know that after this one, we will be done. I’m going to miss seeing Laylin pregnant but I love our family as it is.

We split our time between the main Bakeman offices in New York and the new offices that we built out in Los Angeles. Laylin had tried to move to New York when we first got married but I could tell that she missed Nora and the west coast so I surprised her with a new building. We still have to go back to New York for board meetings and stuff but for the most part, we live in Los Angeles.

I smile at the boys who are already eating with their tablets set up in their laps. They grin as we pass their seats and head to the ones in the back of the plane. They’re excited to head home and to see their Aunt Nora, Uncle Luca, and their cousins.

I hold my wife's hand as the plane starts to taxi and kiss her head as she leans against me.

“Happy?” I ask her and she nods right away.

“I love you,” she says.

“Love you more,” I say as the plane takes off and we fly towards home.

* * *
