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Normally, as soon as people hear that I’m a Bakeman, they trip over themselves trying to get close to me. I’m able to spot a gold digger and someone looking to use me for fame from a mile away now but I didn’t get that vibe from Laylin.

Probably because she was drunk, my mind says and I think that’s why I’m standing outside her hotel room door with some breakfast and coffee. I want to see if she’s going to try to use me or if she really was different.

She was charming last night, even drunk off her ass and I smile as I think about how she had chattered at me as I led her up to her room. She had been funny, hilarious even, and I can’t remember the last time that I laughed or smiled that much.

I knock on her door and her muffled groaning before the door creaks open and a rumpled Laylin stands there. Her eyes are half closed but they open wide when she sees me standing there and I smile, enjoying the shock I see in their green depths. Her blonde hair is a tangled mess and half of it is hanging in her face. She reaches up and tries to smooth it as she stands up straighter.

“Taken, right?” She asks, her voice coming out raspy from sleep. My cock hardens at the sound and I have to shake my head, trying to get images of waking up with her wrapped around me from my head.

“Right,” I confirm. “I have a specific set of skills and today those skills include breakfast.”

I shake the coffee and brown paper bag at her and she turns a little pale.

“Looks like we’ll have to save the boat ride for another day since you’re looking a little green,” I say with a soft smile and she rolls her eyes at me, opening the door wider and ushering me inside.

“I’m never drinking again,” she declares and I snort.

“That’s what they all say.”

I pass her the coffee and she gives me a grateful smile, bringing the cup to her lips and downing half of it.

“Thanks, uh… sorry I can’t remember your name,” she says and her cheeks flush a pretty shade of pink.

“Rowan Bakeman,” I say, wanting to see how she reacts to hearing my name now that she’s sober.

“Right- oh! Bakeman! I love your cookies!” She says excitedly and I chuckle.

“Yeah, I know. You told me like a hundred times last night when I was walking you up here.”

“I did?” She asks, her nose scrunching up. “Jeez, I am really never drinking again,” she mumbles as she brings the coffee cup back to her lips and drinks the last of it.

“It was cute,” I reassure her and she squints at me like she’s trying to decide if I’m making fun of her.

“If you say so.”

“I do. So what are your plans for today?” I ask her to fill the silence.

“Well, I’m going to start by getting more of this,” she says, shaking the empty coffee cup in her hand. “Then, I was just going to explore the city. I’m only here for a few more days. What about you?”

“Same, although I’m here for another week.”

“Lucky,” she says as she turns and heads over to a suitcase and begins pulling out some clean clothes.

“Can I explore with you today?” I ask and she seems surprised that I would want to.

Oh baby, I have a feeling that you might be the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

“If you want but I need a bit to get showered and dressed.”

“That’s fine. I’ll go grab more coffee and be back here in what? Half an hour?”

“Perfect,” she says with a smile and I return it before I head out the door.

I smile to myself as I head back down to the lobby. So she didn’t want anything from me and it wasn’t because she was drunk. Why does that make me want to give her everything?


