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My phone vibratesin my pocket and I pull it out, smiling when I see Nora’s name on the screen. She’s probably texting to apologize once again and complain about her boss but I’m not mad at her for having to bail. Especially now that I met Rowan.

We spent the day strolling around and checking out the town. I had told him about flying over here and seeing Rome and Bologna first before I came to Capalbio. When Nora and I had planned this trip we had decided that we wanted to see someplace that wasn’t a typical tourist destination. Rowan said that he needed to get away from work and his family so he came here. It is beautiful and I can’t believe that more people don’t come here.

It’s right on the water and has such history. We had strolled along the banks before we went into town, finding some cute little café to eat a late lunch at. I had finally gotten my appetite back and we spent two hours there, eating and laughing together. I got the feeling that he was having some kind of disagreement with his dad because he called twice while we were walking around and he had ignored the calls both times. Now we’re at dinner and I frown when I see him ignore another call and give an annoyed scowl at his phone.

“Everything alright?” I ask, not wanting to pry.

“Yeah, it’s nothing,” he says back with a cheeky smile.

“Thanks for coming out with me today. I had a lot of fun,” I tell him as he pays the bill and we head out of the restaurant.

We’re not far from my hotel and I walk slowly, wanting to prolong our time together.

“Me too. Thanks for letting me come with you,” he says, smiling down at me as he knocks his shoulder against mine.

The backs of our hands touch and I suck in a breath, wondering if he might try to hold my hand. Our skin brushes against each other but he doesn’t take my hand. He doesn’t move his away either.Why is that somehow hotter than if he had held my hand?Anticipation fills me and I bite the inside of my cheek.

“Thanks for dinner,” I say after a beat.

“It was my pleasure.”

My heart sinks as we round the corner and my hotel comes into view. It could be my imagination but both of us seem to slow down at the sight of the ivy covered walls.

“Want to hang out tomorrow?” He asks as we head into the lobby and over to the stairs.

“Sure, what did you have in mind?” I ask as we head up to the second floor.

“Wanna come out on my boat?”

I peek at him out of the corner of my eye, a smirk stretching my lips and he bursts out laughing.

“It’s a real boat. I’m not going to “Taken” you,” he promises and I giggle as we head down the hallway to my room.

“In that case, alright, sure. Sounds like fun. What time should I meet you?”

“How about 9:30 am? I can pick you up from here and take you over to the marina.”

“I’ll be ready,” I promise him as we stop outside my room.

I dig my key out of my pocket and give him one last smile as I start to unlock the door.

“I’ll be counting down the hours,” Rowan tells me as he steps closer to me, tipping my chin up with his fingers and brushing his lips against mine.

The kiss is there and gone like a whisper but my lips tingle and my whole body feels on edge. He gives me one last smile before he turns and heads back down the hall and I stumble into my room.

Holy shit.

My phone buzzes in my pocket again and I remember that I never texted Nora back. I lock the door behind me and kick off my shoes before I collapse back onto the bed and bring up my messages.

Nora:How’s the vacation?

Nora:Are you not answering me because you’re mad that I had to cancel?

Nora:I’m really sorry about that. You know I didn’t want to.

Nora:My boss didn’t even need me. I swear he’s just an asshole. He made a big deal about how I was needed here and then nothing. I haven’t done shit the last few days and he definitely could have gotten a temp to cover for me.

