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“What time is it?” She asks and I shrug, tucking my hands under my head and watching her walk over to her clothes.

I frown as she starts to tug them on.

“No round two then?” I ask, crawling out of the shelter and walking over to my own clothes.

“I wish but I really need to get back. My flight leaves later today and I need to get back to the hotel and wash off before I pack.”

I nod and turn, trying to hide my disappointment. That’s when I see it.

The boat must have been damaged somehow in the storm because it seems to have sunk. Only the bow is visible above the water and my jaw drops as I look over to it.

“Oh my god!” Laylin cries as she sees it too.

I know I should probably be upset or worried but I know that someone will come looking for us eventually and, in the meantime, I’ll have more alone time with Laylin.

“It’ll be okay,” I tell her and she gives me a horrified look.

“Rowan, we don’t have any food, real shelter, clothes, water, no cell phones, and now no boat. How is this going to be alright?”

Panic fills her eyes and I smile at her, giving her a shrug.

“Someone will come looking for us eventually.”

This doesn’t seem to help calm her and she stares at me like I’m crazy.

“Why aren’t you worried about us being stuck out here?” She demands.

“Honestly? I’m not really dying to go back,” I say with a careless shrug.

She watches me for a moment, her eyes assessing.

“Did you know that it was going to storm last night?” She asks quietly and I shift uncomfortably.

“I knew that itmight,” I stress.

That was obviously the wrong thing to say.

“So you put us in danger and got us stranded here all because you don’t want to have to go work for your rich daddy? Because you’re afraid that youmightfail?” She spits out, her eyes flashing with anger.

I swallow hard, guilt eating away at me as I see how furious she is.Shit.

“Laylin, I-”

“No!” She yells, pointing a finger at me. “No. I can’t believe that you would do this. What kind of asshole does that?” She cries before she spins on her heels and storms away down the beach.

Okay, she probably just needs some time to cool down. Someone will come by soon and this will all blow over.

As I watch her storm further down the beach though, I’m not so sure that I believe that.



I can seeRowan trailing down the beach after me and I walk faster. He picks up his pace too and I want to scream but instead I just plop down in the sand. I can’t believe that he would do this and I can’t believe that I’m stuck in this situation.

I glare at him as he walks closer and sits a few inches away from me. Regret is clear in his eyes and I turn away before my heart can start to soften. He put us in danger. He doesn’t deserve my forgiveness.

“I’m sorry, Laylin. You’re right, I was an asshole.”
