Page 9 of Selena

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He continued, “You’re one of the Belladonnas. A very particular Belladonna who plays with the electronics of the ones she kills. My father knows who tried to kill him, because you are rather world renowned, aren’t you? At least the criminal underworld knows you and fears you.” He chucked my chin, the expression in his eyes certainly amused with himself. Smug bastard.

“My father has us hunting for you. You won’t like it very much if he finds you.”

My mind swam trying to make sense of this man. What did he want from me? He hadn’t killed me yet, and that was for a reason. I would like to keep him feeling those reasons.

He studied me curiously, then drew his gun. My heart froze in my chest.

“But perhaps you’re not the girl I’m looking for. Our meeting tonight seemed suspicious. But you’ve already done me a great service. Perhaps this is where our association should end.”

“What do you want?” I’d asked that question a lot so far tonight, but I hadn’t got an answer. I had a feeling that he liked his cat and mouse game. Maybe now he would finally tell me.

But instead, he raised the barrel so that it was the only thing in my vision. It took up almost all my attention. Somehow, those merciless, gorgeous green eyes behind it still grew my gaze.

His finger tightened almost imperceptibly on the trigger, releasing the safety on his Glock.

I squeezed my eyes shut. I couldn’t help it.

The thought that I was going to die without avenging my parents swept through me, accompanied not with sorrow for my own death but with guilt and regret.

I waited for the gun to go off, but it never came.

I opened my eyes to find him kneeling on the side of the bed as he handed the gun off to Dominic. A wise man, it wouldn’t be a good idea to put a gun where I could get my hands on it.

“Selena. Would you marry me?”



I staredup into Aiden Crude’s bright green eyes. He looked pleased with himself, as if he realized just how much he’d thrown me for a loop. I wasn’t usually surprised, but a marriage proposal from a target’s son was new.

“What?” Xander asked, speaking for us both.

Aiden straightened. A spot of red appeared on the bandage, as if blood were seeping through, but he didn’t seem to notice. “My father and some of his friends are determined to hunt down the Belladonnas. They know you’re coming for them. But I’m the one who’s learned all about you, and I’m happy to keep those secrets to myself.”

I was happy to help him take those secrets to the grave.

“What exactly do you think you know?”

“We’ve pinpointed your origins to San Francisco. Now we’ve just got to narrow it down and find the nest.” Aiden smiled down at me. “Rest assured, we will. You aren’t the only one who can find people.”

I kept my face impassive, giving nothing away. But fuck. San Francisco.

“You’re not the only little bird, are you?” Dominic asked, appearing just as smug as Aiden.

Fuck. I’d do anything to protect the other girls, but that meant I had to verify what they knew…and keep it from going any further.

“And why haven’t you already shared that information?” I asked crisply.

“I’d like to take over from my father,” Aiden said.

“Then you should’ve let me kill him,” I said.

“It’s not that simple,” Aiden said. “For one thing, unlike you, I’m not a psychopath. I care about my family.”

I’d never been lectured on morality by a gun-running mafia heir, so we could add that to my list of new experiences for today.

“And for another?” I demanded, because I doubted that was the whole story.

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