Page 129 of The Unbound Moon

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I inhaled deeply. With the scent of her arousal came more of that metallic scent, and I delved between her thighs, rubbing my fingers through her slick. She made a little mewl of protest or desire or both, her back arching slightly. I popped her fingers into my mouth and sucked, trying to tease out what it was.

She smelled like King pack, yeah.

But the metallic scent wasn’t her menstrual blood. It was something mixed with King pack scent. It was the slightly-odd scent of the rogue.

“Where were you tonight?” I demanded.

“Liam, what’s going on?”

A frantic feeling tightened my chest. “You had sex tonight.”

She looked bewildered. “I had dreams.”

I shook my head, easing her off my lap and parting her thighs. She let me. That perplexed feeling was still written across her face, but there was trust in her eyes. Her mound was covered in light brown hair, and beneath it, her pussy was pink and perfect…and freshly used.

“You can’t smell the rogue?” I demanded.

She sat up, her thighs pulling together. “What are you talking about? I haven’t seen the rogue except for when he followed me in the woods.”

“Tell me about these dreams.” I tried to stay calm, but I couldn’t hide the frantic urgency in my voice.

“Liam, you’re scaring me.”

“I’m sorry.” I tucked her hair back behind her ear, trying to slow my racing thoughts. “It’s all right, Amelia. Just tell me about your dreams.”

She turned her perfect, beautiful face into my palm. Her eyes were worried, and she bit her lower lip, but she nodded. Then she made a movement toward me as if she were going to climb into my lap again.

I gathered her into my arms, cradling her against my chest. Holding her like this reminded me of the intensity of those moments when I had rescued her from Stone.

“When I’ve been sleepwalking,” she said quietly. “I’ve been seeing Brennan. In my dreams. Or at least… I thought I was going back to where we were so happy, as I was dreaming of him…”

She shook her head as if she were trying to shake off a dream. “Since I’ve been here with you all, he’s seemed… more alive to me than he has since I lost him. Like I can finally think about him, talk about him. So it makes sense I would dream about him.”

She looked at me as if she needed me to understand, and I nodded.

“Dreams are powerful,” I said. “They can be real in their own ways. I understand what you were thinking.”

“But you think…” she trailed off.

“I think the rogue has been the one you’re meeting in your dreams.” Anger tightened my chest. No, more than anger—fear. “He’s been stalking you for a reason, Amelia. I don’t know why he’s taken so long, why he is playing these games, but…”

She let out a soft gasp of fear.

“It’s all right,” I stroked her hair, trying to calm her. “The danger is over.”

“He’s been wearing a mask,” she murmured. “I feel like I’ve been forgetting him, forgetting the details of his face, so I thought that was just… my imagination.”

I could easily understand why she had imagined him that way in her dreams. I felt like I forgot Brennan’s face, voice, mannerisms with every year that dripped by. “You might have imagined him with a mask because you’re afraid you’ve forgotten him.”

“If it was the rogue… the mask means I don’t know his face.”

Suddenly, the memory of the vision I’d had rose strongly to my mind. I’d woken with a ruined face and imagined that it was a premonition of my own. “I think he might have to hide a ruined face. Did you see his eyes?”

“I thought he had blue eyes like Brennan’s.” She frowned as if she were trying to remember. “But now it all felt like a dream. It’s hazy.”

“I’ll find him again,” I promised. “I’ll try to have that dream again. To see through his eyes, if that is him.”

And if not, I’d come face-to-face with a nightmare. But I would do that for Amelia. It was nothing when it was for her.

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