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“I have not,” he said. “And now I feel like I need to.”

So this was what my future was going to look like.

The love of my life with his arm curling around me while my mother told him embarrassing childhood stories about vulva flower murals.

And, God, I couldn’t have hoped for anything better.


Nino - 2 days

I wanted to keep her in the suite for days, for weeks, for months. Especially after her mom left the morning after being rescued, needing to check on her cat and water her gardens. And Savannah’s, per my request, since I wanted at least another day or two with her.

What can I say?

It’d shaved off ten fucking years of my life when I’d heard she was going to save her mother by herself, walking into fuck-knew-what situation completely unprepared to protect herself, let alone rescue her mother.

I hadn’t known she’d had the gun.

Or what a badass her mother turned out to be.


It was a lot.

And the shit that came after, when I knew she was safe with Uncle Ant, and back at the safe house, all the blood and mess from killing the fuckers who paid those shitheads to try to kill me and hurt the girls, yeah, that was a lot too.

So I just wanted some extra time with Savannah. Naked as she walked around the suite, letting me take her on and bent over damn near every surface of the place.

But, in the end, she had a life she needed to get back to. A business she truly cared about.

And, I guess, I had some shit to do too. Namely, repair damn near every window in my place. A task I wasn’t looking forward to.

“What are you doing?” I asked, coming out of the bedroom with our stuff to find Savannah spraying so much disinfectant spray that she had her shirt up over her face, and I let out a cough.

“We had sex everywhere,” she said, making a smirk toy with my lips.

“I remember,” I said.

“We need to… disinfect things.”

“The cleaning crew is going to come in,” I assured her.

“Yeah, but they won’t know I had my boobs all over the island,” she said, giving that a healthy spray as well.

“If I recall, your boobs were clean since you’d just gotten out of the shower.”

“Still,” she said, but she was giving me a soft smile at the memory of how carried away we’d gotten the night before after washing up after dinner. “At least we didn’t take our debauchery upstairs,” she said, setting down the can with a click. “Okay. I think that’s everything,” she said. “Now let’s get out of here before we breathe any more of this toxic crap in.”

With that, we gathered our bags and went into the elevator.

I waited until we were, oh, halfway down before I hit the emergency stop button, making Savannah turn to me, brows pinched.

“What are you doing?”

I didn’t answer.

I just backed her against the wall, reaching up under her skirt to toy with her pussy, getting her dripping wet in no time, then plunging my fingers into her as her own hands fumbled with my belt, button, and zipper, before she freed me.
