Page 71 of Sweet & Spicy

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I swung it open, stopping dead in my tracks.

Mr. fucking VanDoren himself stood at my door, hand poised like he’d been about to knock.

Ridge moved to step between us, but I waved him off.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, trying like hell not to plow him over and head to my car. It was New Year’s Eve, and I knew Anne was healthy enough to work at Lyla’s because Persephone had been keeping me in the loop despite everything.

“Talk with me?” he asked, motioning to my front porch.

I nodded, following him outside. Ridge pretended not to watch us through my closed screen door.

“I owe you an apology,” he said, and I about rocked back on my fucking heels I was so shocked.

I didn’t say a word though, just folded my arms over my chest and stared him down.

“A big one,” he continued. “I had no idea that my actions all those years ago were the wrong ones. I had no idea how real the love you two had between you was. You were teenagers, I thought it was a fleeting thing.”

“It wasn’t.”

“I know. And I know I shouldn’t have continued treating you the way I did when you came back into her life all these years later.” He shook his head. “It’s not an excuse, but when I found out she’d die if she kept up her ways…I was terrified. I almost lost my wife, the idea of losing my firstborn…” A shudder ran the length of his body. “I thought if I controlled every facet of her life, then I could keep her safe. Keep her here with us.”

“And I wasn’t part of your grand plan.”

“No,” he admitted. “You weren’t. But I was the asshole for thinking she needed me to control her life in the first place. For being arrogant enough to think I knew what was best for her.” He pressed his lips together. “She set me straight, trust me. She even told me she doesn’t want my inheritance. She wants nothing from me, except for the respect she’s owed.”

That’s my girl.

Pride swelled in my chest.

She finally stood up for herself.

“I won’t lie to you. The main reason I’m here has more to do with me wanting to mend things with my daughter than ask for forgiveness. But be that as it may, will you accept my apology?” he asked.

“On one condition,” I said.

“Name it.”

“I’m on my way to see her right now,” I said, stepping into his space. “Are you going to stand in my way?”

A slow, accepting smile spread across his face, and he took one large step to the side, clearing the path to my car.

I gave him a nod, and before I could even turn around, Ridge was there, shaking the ring box in one hand and his keys in the other. “I’ve got what we need, let’s go.”

Mr. VanDoren tried to nod at Ridge, but he shook his head.

“Nope, still don’t care,” Ridge snapped, not even bothering to look at him as he headed to the car.

I shrugged, following him.

I heard Mr. VanDoren laughing as I got in the passenger seat, and Ridge took off toward what I hoped would be the start to the rest of my life.



Nothing like working on New Year’s Eve after a little siesta in the hospital to make you feel human again.

Lyla’s was wall-to-wall packed, and I practically had to beg her to let me take my shift tonight. She was terrified, my poor friend. I’d given her a real scare, but after showing her the discharge papers from my doctor and promising her I would take breaks and do better about eating, she allowed me to come in.
