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No, no, this definitely wasn’t me. I didn’t do things like this!

Are you sure?

No, I wasn’t sure. Not fully, anyway. At this exact moment, I wasn’t certain of anything.

Maybe you do…

The guys were all staring back at me, looking uncomfortably pained. I could see the conflict raging in their eyes, though. The silent voice of uncertainty, screaming at them to maintain their pact.

But beneath all that, I could see lust in their eyes too.

“I’ll tell you what,” I purred, as the voice that wasn’t mine went sultry. “I’ll even make it easy for you. In a minute I’m going up those stairs…”

I pointed with a single finger. Three pairs of eyes locked onto it.

“And I’m going to strip down,” I paused for a moment. “Allthe way down, just so there’s no misunderstanding me. And then I plan to lie down in bed, stretch all the way out… and wait for whoever shows up.”

Joshua’s stunned expression mirrored the one I’d seen in my bedroom last night. But Evan and Cole’s faces registered even more shock.

Still, not one of them was more surprised than myself.

“If I have to, I’ll take care of it all on my own,” I added, with a teasing little shrug. “After all, a girl’s gotneeds.” I cast one long, lingering stare before pivoting away. “Hopefully you’ll remember you have needs too, and I’ll see at least one of you boys upstairs.”

I took three long steps, as confidently as possible. Then I turned half-around.

“Oh, and don’t even bother coming up unless you plan on following through,” I added.

With that I climbed the staircase, still trying to push my heart down out of my throat. I hadn’t waited to even see their reaction. I’d done a complete hit and run.


Somehow I reached the upstairs landing, feeling dizzy and lightheaded. It was like walking on a cloud. I cracked the door to my room, slipped inside, then began shrugging my way out of my clothes.

No way.

I took off my shirt, my pants, my bra. Everything but my underwear.

No fucking way.

The house was utterly still. Quiet. There was no conversation happening downstairs. Nothing at all.

In for a penny…

Shrugging for courage, I climbed onto the bed and spread myself wide, enjoying the coolness of the sheets against my back. After stretching for a moment or two, I allowed my fingers to slowly work their way downward. A minute later, they were dipping familiarly between my thighs…

… in for a pound.

I felt strangely magnificent. Exposed and hot and dangerously alive.

Or three pounds, possibly.

The door wasn’t just cracked, it was half-open. Anyone in the hallway could see me. I could only imagine what I actually looked like.

I thought about Meghan again. Of how my friend had always just stumbled through life, reaching for any brass ring that she wanted. She never thought too much, she just acted. And yet somehow, it always seemed to work out for her.

Could I do that?

Who knew? It took a certain type of person, obviously. But when it came to me, I generally—
