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“Or we could take you out to breakfast,” he shrugged. “If—”

“YES please.”

I leapt up from the bed, now heedless of my naked form. My breasts and ass jiggled as I bounced into the hallway; a fun little detail I’m sure wasn’t lost on Joshua. I didn’t feel uncomfortable in the slightest, though. In fact, I felt utterly free and liberated as I made my way down to the bathroom, and slipped into the mega-shower.

Half an hour later I was clean and dressed, my bed stripped, the sheets and blankets tumbling in the wash. From there we took Joshua’s truck into town. Being sandwiched in the front bench seat between him and Evan was a sharp reminder of last night’s events. Which of course had been playing non-stop, on repeat, since the moment I woke up.

Ya think???

Round two with the boys had been even more incredible than round one. And round three? Well, by then I’d pretty much soaked the bed. The guys were relentless in their lack of mercy, but I think I was just as insatiable. I took everything they gave me and gave it right back to them. Up until the point where, spent and empty, they filed from my bedroom one by one.

Evan had been the last to go. He spent a long time spooning me afterward, his inked arms wrapped tightly around me in the warmth and security of my sex-soaked bedroom. Eventually we drifted off together, slipping into a deep, satisfied slumber.

“You guys ever try the Paramount?” I piped up. “They’ve got the best French toast in the city.”

They shook their heads in unison. Shit, they did a lot of things in unison.

“North Street Grille, then?”

“We’ll take you anywhere you want,” said Joshua. “But first we’re making a quick stop.”

The conversation was light, and the mood too. We spent almost an hour on the road, weaving through town, passing all kinds of restaurants that made my mouth water. The three of us talked about anything and everything. Everything, that is, except the elephant in the room.

“Hey…” I began carefully. “About last night—”

“Ah,” said Joshua, cutting the wheel sharply. “Here it is.”

We found ourselves in a mostly empty lot, freshly-graveled, tucked away at the junction between two streets. It was surrounded on three sides by taller, but newer buildings.

“Yeah,” Evan agreed, scanning the lot. “This isperfect.”

I was surprised to find Cole already there. He was leaning against his truck in a fresh white T-shirt and a pair of work-boots, looking more like a construction worker than a mercenary.

My brows knit together. “Where exactly are we?”

“The old industrial district, just outside the seaport,” Evan explained. “The city’s been tearing down the crumbling factories and replacing them with modern office space, shops, restaurant… the usual.”

“A decade ago this place was a ghost-town,” Joshua added. “Right now it’s in the upswing of a big revitalization.”

The truck rolled to a stop and we stepped out, our feet crunching loudly on the freshly-poured gravel. The guys greeted Cole with grunts and nods. I greeted him with a warm hug that felt strangely insufficient, especially considering the places he’d been just ten hours ago.

“Do you like it?” he asked.

I was still confused. I let my eyes wander a bit more, and noticed the gravel was broken by a rough semicircle of poured concrete pads. There were electric hookups. Plumbing for water and waste as well.

Then it hit me.

“No way…” I breathed, excitedly. “Is this for—”

“This is the perfect place to park a food truck,” said Joshua. “Or even better, five or six of them. There’s a ton of foot traffic, and the demand in this area for restaurants is high. The rent is out of control, though.”

“But not for something that doesn’t pay rent…” I reasoned.

“Oh you’ll still pay rent,” Cole cut in, pointing. “But it’ll be on one of those berths, rather than some big brick-and-mortar restaurant. They have three spots rented already. One’s a soup truck. Another does specialty coffees, and the third one is Mexican food.”

“You’ve got your choice of berth two, three or five,” Evan added. “The deposit has already been taken care of. All you have to do is pick which—”

“What do you mean it’s already been taken care of?”
