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There’s a hint of her perfume, something floral. I can't place it, but it smells amazing.

Her hair wafts the scent of sweet flowers and lilac, and her skin smells of fresh vanilla and honey. I don't know how I know all this, only that I smell these scents in the wind blowing from her direction.

She's leaning on the railing, and I want nothing more than to go to her, to take her in my arms and cradle her against me.

Her skin is satin-smooth, soft as freshly fallen snow.

I am completely and utterly enchanted by her.

She looks young, but there's a sense of sadness about her that makes my heart ache for her. Why should one so young and beautiful as her ever look so pensive?

I can't help but stare, mesmerized by her. Something about her causes my pulse to race.

I don't know how long I stand there just staring at her, but I don't leave until she lets out a little sigh and turns to walk back into the house.

Even after she leaves, I keep standing there staring up at the empty balcony, my mind swirling with questions.

Who is she? What's her story?

Why do I feel this sudden and insane urge to help her?

I don't know the answers to any of these questions—yet.

But I'm damn sure going to find out.



I tiptoedown the staircase and out the door, stopping every so often to make sure I haven't been discovered.

It's truly ridiculous that I'm eighteen years old and have to sneak out of the house, but it is what it is.

My father is a control freak to say the least, and he's used to getting what he wants.

And what he wants is for me to marry the mayor's son.

I've always done what was expected of me, but I absolutely cannot stand James. He's an arrogant, entitled prick, and the thought of being chained to him for life makes me nauseous.

I've never been rebellious. I've always been the obedient daughter, but it's time for me to finally do something for myself.

As I make my way toward the construction site down below our house, I feel a sense of freedom and exhilaration. It's been so long since I've felt this way, and it's wonderful.

As I approach the site, I spot a man sitting on a bench, staring right at me.

I almost turn back, startled by his presence, but something about him makes me stay.

I slowly walk toward him. His glittering green eyes are trained on me the entire time, and something about the way he's looking at me makes my heart skip a beat.

When I'm close enough, he stands, and holy moly...

The man is huge. He towers over me. He must be at least six feet tall, and I can see the muscles bulging underneath his work shirt.

I vaguely wonder what he's doing here. It's too late for construction. It looks like all the other workers have gone home. I can't find the words to ask him that, though.

For a moment, we just stare at each other, and then he smiles.

"Can't sleep?" he asks softly. His voice is like melted butter, smooth and rich.
