Page 56 of Lawless Princes

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“It’s all the information we have on your father. It dates all the way back to when he was a child. There are some very interesting facts in there, Brielle.” Judah pushes to his feet and rounds the desk. He’s so close, I can feel his anger radiating from him. But I don’t look up at the man I’m meant to marry, because I’m too afraid. I’m not frightened that he’ll hurt me, but that he’ll see the worry in my eyes. “It’s also all the information we have on you, little spy.”

They know. He knows. I can’t face him, so I focus on the pages in front of me. If I meet his inquisitive stare that’s slowly burning a hole through me, he’ll realise that everything I’ve told him is a lie.But he already knows, Brielle.

I flick to the last few pages where all my details are filed. Everything from when I was born, right up until I was brought to Black Hollow. And when I find the photos of Marco and me, I know my time is up. I’m going to die today.

“This is my past,” I say, trying to keep my voice as even as I possibly can. It’s not easy with my heart slamming against my rib cage. “There have been things I’ve had to do—the same as all of you. It’s not been by choice. It was forced upon me, just like this marriage was. If you can’t believe that, then I’m not sure what to tell you. There’s nothing more I can say. You know—”

“I know you’re a liar,” Judah tells me as he leans in close, his warm breath fanning against my ear. Those piercing, hazel eyes drill through me with every second that passes. “You walked into this house, acted the sweet and innocent little princess, but what I’ve discovered is you’re nothing more than a trained fucking soldier for your father.”

I push to my feet in a show of fake confidence because all I feel now is fear. I walked into the lion’s den knowingly. Granted, the full plan was only revealed to me last night, so I didn’t know my father was watching, listening. After I killed Marco, I thought I was safe. But I should have known that when you’re amongst hunters, you’re never truly safe.

I throw the folder back onto the desk and take a step towards Judah.

“If you believe that, why not kill me?” I challenge him.

This time, I do look at him. I meet those pretty eyes that have captured me since I first saw them. Now they hold an emotion I’ve never seen in them before—betrayal. I’ve hurt Judah. I didn’t think that would ever be possible.

“I don’t kill women,” he throws back at me before gripping my arm and dragging me to the balcony doors.

He shoves them open and pulls me out onto the landing. It’s cold out, and I can’t stop the shiver that wracks through me.

He shouldn’t be out here. I try to pull away, try to turn around because panic slowly settles in my gut. The email I received today on my phone was clear. I didn’t mean for this to happen, I didn’t think he would bring me out here, but Judah is a loose cannon at times.

“Take me inside,” I bite out in frustration, but he doesn’t listen.

He spins me around, my back to his front. He leans against me, our bodies flush, the heat of him making me want to move in closer. But I can’t, because I’m sure he knows about the plan.

“You see, little spy,” he whispers along the shell of my ear. “When your father thought he could outsmart a future Boss, no, not one Boss but three, he was sorely mistaken.”

“I-I-I don’t know what you mean,” I whisper as Judah’s teeth capture my earlobe, and he bites down until waves of electric currents shoot through me, from the top of my head right down to my toes. There’s something pleasurable about the danger he’s emanating.

His hand trails up my side, but I don’t move. There’s no reason to fight him anymore, because it’s clear he does know. It’s why he brought me out here. I thought killing a Prince would be easier than this.

Papa told me it would be simple. All I had to do was infiltrate the Venier mansion and discover their secrets. And I was close to succeeding. So fucking close.

“I knew you weren’t an innocent, little whore,” Judah whispers. “But you wanted me to find out. Didn’t you?”

His hand snakes up to my throat, and I know, somewhere in the shadows, whoever Papa hired can see us. Maybe my father is out there too. Knowing he could be watching what Judah’s doing to me sends shame racing through me.

“Judah, stop,” I tell him, but I know he won’t listen. He’s angry. He feels betrayed, but he doesn’t know the whole story.

His other hand pushes between my thighs, and I almost collapse from the friction. Desire and fear dance a tango inside me, swirling as his fingers wrap around my throat while his others tease my core over the material of my leggings until I’m shaking.

“Do you want me to stop?” he questions as he circles my clit with his thumb.

It doesn’t matter about the threat of danger. His touch sends shockwaves through me.

“N-No,” I mumble as my lashes flutter.

“I think your precious papa is out there, watching you lose yourself to a Prince. He’s looking at his daughter, and he’s probably repulsed by you right now.”

“He loves me,” I bite back, knowing I’ve made mistakes in the past, but Papa has always been there for me.

Judah dips his hand into my leggings and beneath my underwear. He chuckles when he finds me wet, and his expert touch pushes me closer to the edge. He knows what he’s doing, and he’s enjoying it because I can feel his hardness against my back.

“You should feel ashamed that you’re loving this so much.”

His words are meant to hurt, to taunt, to get me raging against him, and I want to. I want to pummel him right now, but the deeper he sinks his fingers inside me, the tighter his hold on my neck gets.

“Fuck you, Judah,” I bite out, knowing that no matter how much I try to fight it, I have feelings for Judah, and for Val and Kai.

I see them in a different light now, not as the Lawless Princes they claim to be, but I see them as strong, loyal, handsome men. I see them as friends and lovers.

Judah’s fingers tease my clit before he pinches the hardened nub, sending me over the edge. Feeling dizzy from my orgasm, I cry out as my head falls back against his shoulder. Pleasure races through me as I tremble. And as I’m lost in the bliss, a deafening gunshot rings out. It startles me back to the present, and I know without intending to betray Judah that I’ve done so.

And, if he survives, he’ll never forgive me.
