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“Take your time,” I mouth back. I don’t mind watching her at all.

We have three beautiful daughters together and I still find her irresistible. Raising a family with her has been even better than I thought it would be. Saturday mornings, Christmases, afternoons at the lake—all with my four girls. They’ve been incredible. I’m in love with life and it’s all thanks to this amazing woman.

I watch the rest of the operation until she waves me in.

“Can you help me lift him?” Molly says as I walk into the room. “He’s too big for me.”

“It’s going to cost you a kiss,” I say as I walk over. She steps on her toes and tries to reach my lips, but she’s not tall enough.

She laughs. “A little help here please.”

I lean down and kiss her soft tasty lips. I’ve done this a thousand times but it never loses its magic.

“Okay, where do you want him?” I ask as I scoop my arms under the unconscious dog and lift him up. He’s heavier than he looks.

“In that big cage over there,” she says. “I’ll have to come check on him after dinner. He should be waking up by then.”

I put him in the cage and then close the door. He’s out for a few more hours at least.

“Do you mind doing that?” she asks with an apologetic look. “I don’t want it to ruin the night.”

I glance at the big table in the middle of the room and grin. “Being alone with you in here won’t ruin the night,” I say with a hungry growl as I make my way over to her. “It sounds like the best part of the night.”

She blushes an adorable shade of pink as I grip her hips and pull her in close.

God, I love her.

I’m so happy she’s mine.

I lean down and kiss her slowly, romantically, giving her a taste of the fun night to come.

After the Italian restaurant, I’m going to be feasting on my girl.

And this mountain man is already starving for her!

It’s going to be another long, fun night.

The End!
