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That would be the way I felt all floaty and well used. As if I’d just accomplished a beast of a workout, and now I could finally gorge myself on cake and not feel guilty about it.

He lifted up, not disengaging yet, and stared down into my eyes.

“It wasn’t supposed to be that good,” he growled.

I laughed in his face. “Sucks, doesn’t it?”

“Really sucks,” he grumbled, then pulled out of me.

There was a wet rush, and I froze.

“Condom,” I groaned.

He looked down at me, and the smallest of grins kicked up the corner of his lips as he said, “Sorry. Wasn’t giving thinking much leeway at that moment in time. If it helps, I’m clean.”

“Well of course it helps,” I groused as I tried to scramble out of bed without dirtying my sheets.

It was a lost cause.

I smeared his release all over the bed like a damn snail crawling across concrete.

“Shit, shit, shit,” I griped as I waddled to the bathroom.

I’d never experienced this side of sex with someone before without a condom.

“Was that why it felt so good?” I asked him as I sat down and cleaned up.

He answered me from the other room.

I could hear him getting dressed. The slide of fabric. The wisp of his shirt going over his head.

When he appeared in the bathroom doorway, his eyes focused on me on the toilet as I tried to get as much of him out of me as I possibly could.

Maybe it was a bad time, and nothing would happen.

I’d just had my period. That meant that I had at least another week until it was a “good” time. If getting pregnant by the man that you loved to hate was considered “good.” But no, that would never happen.

That would just be one of those hilarious rom-com movies where they hate each other, fall in love, and learn to love each other because of an accidental pregnancy.

That would never happen.

“It felt so good because we have chemistry,” he said.

That’s when I noticed that his dick was halfway out of his pants.

“What’s going on there?” I asked as I stood up and flushed the mountain of toilet paper I’d just used to clean up with.

“Waiting to dry my dick off,” he said. “And there’s still cum.”

He pointed at his still slightly shining dick, and I nodded as I moved out of the way of the toilet.

“We should probably not do this again,” I pointed out. “And if we did do this again, we should make sure we have condoms on hand at all times so this doesn’t happen again.”

This being an accidental drowning of my vagina in his hopefully poor moving swimmers.

“We’re definitely doing that again,” he declared. “And I’ll get some condoms.”

After washing my hands, I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got my hair into some semblance of control before getting dressed myself.

Then I texted Sara and asked her if she was up for a road trip.

Then wondered how in the hell I was supposed to keep Davis and his magic cock a secret from the one person who I told almost everything to.

Especially when the sex I’d just had was so damn good.

When I got downstairs, it was to find Davis, Finn, and even Carrie gone.

Leaving me to walk to the nearest place that wasn’t Davis’s that wouldn’t be suspicious for me to be at to have Sara pick me up.

When I saw her car pull into the coffee shop’s parking lot, I breathed deeply and said, “Here goes nothing.”


I’ve reached the point in my life where I’ve gone from thinking, “you probably shouldn’t say that,” to “what the hell, let’s see what happens.”

-Greer’s secret thoughts


“What do you want to do first?” Sara asked. “Go pick your actual car up from North Carolina, or go get your newly upgraded one from the shop?”

I’d told Sara everything about both cars, my mom, and Davis getting my car repaired. And she’d barely contained her laughter.

“He really means well, Greer,” she promised.

I knew that she thought he meant well. But sometimes, I wasn’t quite sure when it came to Davis.

“I need to call my sister and explain.” I rubbed my forehead. “And I need to go pack a bag if we’re going road-tripping.”

If I’d been thinking right when I left Davis’s house—instead of about the fact that he’d left me there without a word—I would’ve brought my own packed bag from his house and just told Greer that I was waiting for her there.

But no, my head was on other things.

Things that were now seeming like a huge, giant mistake when I got the gift of time and space.

I shifted on my seat and felt the way things tightened and compressed.

Damn, the man had ridden me into the ground, and I still felt delicious.

My nephew answered the phone.
