Page 13 of Limitless

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Maybe then, after a good night’s sleep and some rest, we could reignite our sexual relationship.

Just the thought of it made me hopeful.

Now that I knew Kate’s feelings about D/s, I would make sure that part of our lives didn’t vanish completely…

* * *

We wentfor lunch to Lara’s spot, and it was very nice with great fresh organic food, beautiful decor and a light airy feel to the place. High end, as Lara was, and the food was tasty. I would like to bring Kate there when she arrived.

After we were finished, Lara had to return to her office and I was going to go to NYP and visit an old friend and colleague who was still on speaking terms with me, to catch up on the gossip about the place.

I walked Lara to her waiting taxi and kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks for this. I’ll be happy to meet with the family law attorney you recommended. Hopefully, he’ll be able to ensure I get good terms when it comes to shared custody of Liam.”

“My pleasure, Drake. Don’t be a stranger when you get back. Remember what I said about not getting old too soon. And any time you and Kate want to visit The Club, you just have to reach out and I’ll get you an invite.”

“Invitation only? Must be pretty exclusive.”

“Oh, it is. Only the best.”

Lara winked at me and then rolled up the window.

The taxi drove off and I took in a deep breath. My next stop was NYP and for that, I needed my own ride, so I glanced around and saw my limo waiting at the curb.

I hoped my meeting with Dr. Preston at NYP would bring good news, but I was trying to be realistic about my prospects of returning to my practice there.

Get your hopes up too high and the fall to reality is far and very painful…

* * *

On my wayback at the 8thAvenue apartment, I received the video I was waiting for. Kate must have sent it just after she went to bed, around 10:30 Greenwich Mean Time, which was 5:30 PM local time in New York. I would have started to watch it but didn’t want the limo driver to be present when I did, so I closed my phone, and waited until I was alone and could indulge myself more privately.

“How long before we arrive?” I asked the driver. “I have an important call.”

“Traffic’s really slow right now. They must be doing some work on 8th.”

“Damn,” I said and was frustrated at the delay. “Is there no alternate route you can take?”

“Doing the best I can with what I’ve got,” the driver said, and I nodded.

“Sorry. Just have to make it home as soon as possible.”

We finally arrived and I practically threw the tip at him in my eagerness to get to the apartment and watch the new video Kate sent.

I stood at the entrance to the apartment, fumbling my keys in my hand, laughing at myself in my eagerness. I dropped my keys and bent down to pick them up, when the newspaper I held under my arm slipped out and fell down the stairs to the sidewalk. I cursed silently and went down the steps to retrieve it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a man standing down the street and something about him made me take a second look.

He was a tall man, in his fifties or early sixties. Longish white tousled hair. Grizzled black and grey beard. Wearing a black KN95 facemask. Staring.

At me…

I gathered up the pages of the paper, then went back to my door, keys now firmly in hand. I managed to open the door and stepped inside. Then, I stood in the entrance and watched out the door. Sure enough, the man walked past, glancing up to the door as he did.

Who the hell was he?

He didn’t look familiar, but with the mask on, it was hard to tell. He seemed to recognize me and didn’t seem happy to see me, whoever he was.

Someone from the neighborhood that didn’t like the idea I’d returned?

Who knew I was back in the city? Just Lara and a few people from NYP I contacted to inquire about meeting with them to talk about my work. Could someone from the hospital be angry that I was back looking for a job?
