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“What?” I blink a few times at the rage in Massimo’s voice. He’s normally soft spoken and quiet. He’s also the only one out of the three of us who has been reticent about following Viola. I haven’t been—she’s sexy as fuck and I enjoy following her around everywhere. Probably more than I should. “There’s no fucking way,” Massimo’s voice is incredulous.

“If there was no fucking way then I wouldn’t be sitting outside of the gate right now after watching the car they’re in go through and up the drive.” I shrug even though my brothers can’t see me. “I bet they’re members since the interaction at the gate was quick.”

“We’re on our way. Head inside but wait for us. We have things to discuss,” Mateo’s voice is clipped before the line goes dead.

I roll my eyes; our eldest brother can be so fucking dramatic sometimes.

When I roll up to the gate, it only takes a moment for me to give them my name and be let through. While driving up towards the mansion, the car Viola and Fleur arrived in passes me heading back toward the gate. Adrenaline pumps through me at the prospect of getting closer to Viola.

There’s something about her. She’s strong, but in an unassuming way. It’s clear every time I watch her. She can be flitting around on some shopping trip, but there’s something solid inside of her, something that won’t be beaten down, as if she would stand in front of a hurricane and tell it to back down.

It doesn’t take me long to get inside and I’m sure I have Mateo to thank for keeping our membership solvent even though we haven’t visited lately. Well, I haven’t; I don’t keep up with all my brother’s activities. I learned a long time ago not to ask questions I don’t want the answers to.

When I find the ladies, they’re seated at the bar and Viola is looking around with interest in her eyes. The idea of her not hiding who she is, even though the club ensures discretion for its members, turns me on and fills me with an anger I can’t name and don’t understand. Her beauty is on display for everyone to see and I’m not the only one who has noticed, which is clear from the way some of the men are looking at her.

Club Sin might want to protect the people who come here for a night of fun, but that doesn’t mean all the members do. She has no anonymity here and no protection. The thought of someone taking advantage of her makes me want to steal her away and lock her up.

I barely give the waitress a glance when she delivers a tumbler of Hammond Whiskey to my table, but I’m grateful for it. It’s the only thing stopping me from going over to the woman who has entranced me. I don’t know how long I wait, but I hardly notice when my brothers sit down on either side of me and drinks that match mine are deposited in front of them.

“She doesn’t belong here,” Massimo grumbles and I’m only mildly surprised to find his expression full of petulance.

“It works in our favor,” Mateo’s voice is cold and detached.

He’s watching Viola like a predator watching his prey. I can see the wheels turning in his mind, his eyes fixed on Viola. It sometimes amazes me how identical and different we are. When I glance at Massimo, his eyes are warm and full of interest as he watches her.

There is something about Viola which pulls me into her orbit. I’ve been trying to deny it and tell myself it’s just because of the job and because I’ve been following her. I’m not so far gone that I don’t know I’ve been lying to myself.

“She looks sexy as fuck,” my voice is full of teasing innuendo.

Massimo’s eyes snap to mine and narrow while Mateo’s lips curve into a grin which would rival an evil villain.

“And here we thought she’s only about shopping and spending time with her friend.” Mateo tilts his head after taking a drink, his eyes fixed on her. “Apparently there is more to the princess then we thought.” His eyes find mine searchingly. “Are you sure she hasn’t come here before?”

I shrug one shoulder casually, having nothing to hide. “Not in the time I’ve been watching her. I didn’t find the membership on her financials either.”

My calculating brother smirks. “I think we’ve underestimated her.” Massimo scoffs; he’s been saying there is more to the woman since Mateo set his sights on her. “I know, little brother. I should have listened to you,” there is not a bit of remorse in his tone.

“Now, the question becomes what we do with this information,” I offer up the words knowing full well our eldest brother already has a plan forming in his head and I barely stop myself from laughing at the way Massimo’s fists clench.

He can’t stand this. The idea of using a woman hasn’t sat right with him from the start. Add in how gorgeous Viola is and he’s been even more quiet than usual about the whole thing. Still, I’ve seen his wheels turning as if he’s coming up with a plan of his own. If his plan involves us burying our cocks inside the lovely mafia princess, I’ll gladly follow along.

I would have to be out of my mind not to go along with a plan involving getting Viola between us. She’s too tempting not to want.

It’s been years since we’ve shared a woman between us. The demands of the business and our own need for independence from each other means we didn’t indulge like we used to years ago. It’s probably for the best because it’s not easy for a woman to handle one of us, let alone all three.

Something tells me Viola would be up for the challenge. Her laughter across the room grabs my attention. I’m momentarily stunned by the way her dark hair shines under the lights of the lounge, her head tilted back as she laughs at something Fleur said.

Viola’s best friend is a beautiful woman in her own right, but I haven’t glanced at her more than once since I started watching my charge. Huh. Strange.

Now that I think about it, I haven’t looked twice at any other beautiful women either. It’s as if all I can see is Viola Guidice.

I can only hope she doesn’t see what the wolf has in store for her before the plan, whatever it is, can be put into motion.



My eyes stray to Viola across the room. It’s almost a shame that she’s going to be a pawn in my plan to get what we deserve. Almost. The only people I care about are my brothers. Using a Guidice to get what I want is poetic justice.
