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It doesn’t make any sense, but real feelings have blossomed for the triplets in my heart.

It wasn’t long ago when I couldn’t really see my future beyond continuing to do my job and keeping up appearances to the outside world. Now when I think about the future, the triplets are in every single vision. I want to be with them and build something with them.

I want the whole family thing and they’re the only ones I can picture there with me. The house we can call a home. The kids who put smiles on our faces. The fights that happen because life isn’t all rainbows and sunshine.

I want it all with them.

I’m just not sure if I’ll get it. They’re different from each other and I’m not sure how to get a read on Mateo. He seems to always hold himself back and away from his brothers. I’m not sure why, but I have my suspicions.

It’s the same way between Dante and my other three brothers.

Our father put a lot of pressure on Dante because he was always going to be the one to take over and sit at the head of the family. Dante had the weight of those expectations on his shoulders, and it allowed our other brothers to have more freedom, even though they knew the expectation of being involved in the family business was still there. Their roles simply weren’t as well defined as Dante’s.

I have no doubt that Mateo had the same kind of pressure on him. Or maybe he did it to himself, it’s hard to tell and maybe it doesn’t matter. I can see he takes the responsibility of being in charge of what he’s trying to build in the name of the Falsini family seriously. It’s written all over him.

Today I’m sitting with Jasmine, Dante’s wife, and going over some ideas I have for her baby shower. Their little one won’t arrive until October, but I’m so excited about becoming an aunt. Dante has always been a good man, but I’ve seen a different side of him since he met Jasmine and it’s only gotten more adorable after he found out she’s pregnant with their first born.

He’s so attentive and I can tell it sometimes bugs Jasmine, even though she secretly loves it. She’s lucky and I try to beat down the jealousy which tries to curl around my heart. I’m glad to have her as my sister-in-law and she balances out my brother.

Jasmine has taken to being the wife of a mafia king with ease. It surprised me at first, but I learned a long time ago to give people the room to show you who they are instead of making assumptions. Jasmine is soft when she needs to be and a badass when called for.

A few months ago, when I heard about what went down with Zeno and Tony’s woman, Posy, and her family, I wish I would have been there. From what I heard, Jasmine put Posy’s stepsister, Samantha, in her place in spectacular fashion.

I love that there are more women coming into the family and finding their place. There was way too much testosterone around here before. Now, with some of the focus off me, I feel like I can breathe a little easier and have a little more freedom.

Still, if Dante knew I sometimes shake my security detail, he would blow a gasket.

“I think a fall theme will be adorable for the baby shower. We’ll plan it for late September, just in case,” I agree with Jasmine and wink at her.

She rubs her barely there bump with a big smile on her face and giggles. “Can you imagine how badly Dante will freak out if our little one comes early?”

I bark out a laugh because I can just imagine him trying to take control of a situation which would be completely outside of his control. “He’d probably try and negotiate with your uterus,” I snark.

“I already negotiated with her uterus to take my seed,” Dante’s deep voice startles me slightly.

When his words register, I scrunch my face up. “Ew. I do not need to hear things like that.” I shake my head as if trying to dislodge the remnants of his words. “Not at all.”

Dante smirks and winks at me before crossing the room and leaning down to kiss Jasmine. Their kiss isn’t a simple, chaste peck either and I look away. I might love the woman who has become like a sister to me, but he’s still my brother and there are still lines which shouldn’t be crossed.

I make a gagging sound and cover my eyes dramatically. “Gross. I can still hear your lips smacking together. I’m scarred for life,” I wail causing them to laugh at my antics.

When I don’t hear them kissing anymore, I peel my eyes open one at a time as dramatically as possible. Dante winks at me before taking a seat in a chair across from the couch where we’ve been sitting this afternoon. I’m only mildly surprised he didn’t pick Jasmine up and put her on his lap.

A pang of jealousy hits me square in the chest. Again. I push it away as I plaster a smile on my face. It’s mostly genuine, but part of me can’t help but wonder when I’ll find what Jasmine has found in my brother.

Leonardo, my second eldest brother, walks into the room and gives me a kiss on my forehead before he does the same to Jasmine. The attention he pays Jasmine earns a growl of warning from Dante, which has Leo smirking. He’s not the brother who likes to live on the edge, but he’s not afraid of crossing the line a little here and there.

He also knows Dante is aware Jasmine is like a sister to everyone but him. Not only do we love her, but she’s earned our respect. That means something in this family. It always has.

Leo arches an eyebrow as he looks at Dante, a challenge in his eyes. “Did you tell them yet?”

I sit up straighter in my seat and Jasmine narrows her eyes as she looks at her husband. Uh oh, that’s not a look I would want to be on the other end of.

I prod my brothers, “Tell us what?”

Dante shoots a glare at Leonardo before sighing and relaxing back in his chair. “I need both of you to be extra vigilant.” My lips part, but before I can say anything he holds his hand up to stop me. “I’ll be increasing your security detail for the foreseeable future. It’s a precaution, but one I am going to take, and you won’t argue with me about it,” his voice is firm which tells me he’s serious.

I slump back, feeling defeated. Jasmine’s eyes flash, but she doesn’t challenge him directly. “Why do you need to increase our security?”

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