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I hope.



Viola looks like she’s ready to go to war when she steps into the living room which has my cock thickening as my heart thumps in my chest. What the fuck is up with the reaction I have to her? Secretly, I was hoping that the longer I spent away from her would mean I would stop having such a visceral reaction to her.

It hasn’t helped.

Looking at her now, my reaction makes me feel like I’m out of control. I hate it because I pride myself on having everything handled.

I have a vision for the future of our family.

I know how we can get there, and I’ve taken steps to make it happen. Including having an eye on the Guidice princess.

Now she comes into the room, and it feels like all the air is sucked out of it.

What the fuck does this all mean?

“I need to speak with you,” Viola practically spits the words and I bristle.

I narrow my eyes at her and bark, “Speak.”

Instead of cowering, like most people would do, she squares her fucking shoulders. I glance over at Massimo to find a look of worry on his face. Marco sits up a little straighter from where he was lounging just moments ago.

I’m not sure if Marco is preparing to jump into whatever is going on here to defend me or Viola. Not knowing is doing something wild to my head. Would he choose a woman, one we don’t really know and the sister of our enemy, over me?

From the devotion in his eyes as he looks at Viola, I think he would.

It pisses me off and makes me want to lash out at him, at Viola, and at Massimo for good measure. Our youngest brother hasn’t hidden how much the woman in front of me, who looks like she is about to spit fire, means to him.

Could I lose everything I’ve been working toward because of a woman?

It wouldn’t be the first time that some pussy has led to destruction.

Viola’s words cut like ice before they sear through my mind, “Did you sell guns to Juan Martinez?”

I take a step toward the woman who has the audacity to question me and my business, my fists clenching at my sides. I’m fucking furious and the way I snarl the words makes it very clear, “Who the fuck do you think you are to come into my home and question me?”

“Martinez is scum,” she’s practically seething.

If her attitude wasn’t directed at me, I might think it’s sexy as fuck, but since it is, it only makes the rage inside of me grow. But she’s not done.

“I knew you wanted to make a name for yourself in the city, but do you really think getting into bed with Martinez is the way?” She shakes her head with her words as if she’s disappointed in me.

“Really? We already got in bed with you, princess,” I grit out through my teeth.

Viola’s eyes widen and her breath hitches before her cheeks turn pink. Massimo moves to take a step toward her, but she glares at him over her shoulder, and I throw him a look full of warning. He doesn’t move, but I can see the struggle in his eyes.

“Yes, you did,” Viola’s voice is sickly sweet, and it has alarm bells going off in my head. “But we’re not talking about our little tryst,” she sneers. “We’re talking about doing business with a man who has no morality and who doesn’t understand there are lines you don’t cross and business you don’t do.” She narrows her eyes, the challenge clear. “Is that the kind of man you are? Is that the kind of business you want to do?”

I throw the words at her, “What would you know about the kind of business being done in this city?”

“I know more than you, apparently,” disgust rolls off her words, “want to give me credit for.” She tosses her dark, luxurious hair over her shoulder. “I shouldn’t be surprised. I’ve been looked down on my entire life because I’m a woman. You shouldn’t underestimate a Guidice, regardless of their gender.”

I arch an eyebrow at her and try to cool the unmitigated rage inside of me. I hate that she’s standing here, in my home, questioning me as if she has a right to do so. I might have buried my cock in her, and I might not be able to get her out of my head, but this sure as fuck isn’t her place.

The smile I feel stretch across my face is sinister as I take a step forward to close the distance between us. “You’re just a little girl who thinks you should be able to play with the big boys, but you’ve been sheltered your entire life, Viola,” I say her name with hatred.
