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“There aren’t many places to look when hunting a cockroach,” Mateo throws over his shoulder.

I turn to follow my brother and Marco does the same. It was a stupid idea to come here. We’ve wasted too much time. We’ll find her on our own.

“We know where she is,” Dante’s voice follows us when we’re only a few steps outside the room and I freeze along with my brothers.

I turn toward the office, ready to go back in when the Guidice men emerge. “I don’t like the claim you’ve made on our sister, but I also know I can’t keep her in a cage. Not if I want her to remain in my life.” He arches his eyebrow and stares at Mateo. “If she’ll have you then it is her choice. She’ll always be a Guidice,” he adds with a smirk.

“At least until we make her a Falsini,” Marco teases.

I expect the Guidice men to pull guns on him and shoot him where he stands, but instead they chuckle and shake their heads as if we’re the crazy ones. I don’t think we are.

For the first time since Marco screamed my name from Mateo’s office, his voice filled with panic, I feel hope.

“We’ll go over the plan on the way.” Dante heads back toward the front door. “Let’s move.”

Fuck yes. Time to go and get our woman. I can only hope she’ll have us after this.



Juan Martinez and his minions must have a death wish. It’s the only explanation for them grabbing me. It was a stupid fucking idea. Then for one of them to punch me? Death. Wish.

They’ve been strutting around their rusted-out warehouse like they aren’t about to die. It’s almost adorable. Almost.

I glance around again and cringe. This place is seriously gross and should have been torn down ages ago. It looks like it’s been here for a century, but I know that can’t be right. Most of this area was wiped out when Katrina came through and must be at least as old as the rebuilding efforts. All they had to do was put in a little work to keep up with it, but they didn’t even do that much.

Just goes to show you what kind of men they are.

It also goes to show you how stupid they are because I shouldn’t even know what area I’m in, but they didn’t cover my head and I got a good look around when they hauled me inside from their pedophile van. I shouldn’t be surprised they underestimated me. As if I’m not a fucking Guidice.

They’re going to be in for a rude awakening when Dante and my brothers storm this shit hole to get me back. I have zero doubt that my brothers know right where I am and are mobilizing.

“It’s such a shame your little boyfriends don’t care about you,” Martinez taunts me and I smooth my face out into a look of boredom as I stare at him.

He sneers, “Don’t have anything to say,puta?”

I smile at him and I’m sure it’s not the fake, made for the media smile everyone is used to seeing from me. I know this one is malicious and filled with ill intent. If he thinks he’s going to break me, he has another thing coming.

Martinez throws his head back and laughs. The sound echoes around the warehouse, amplifying as it bounces back to me. The man is seriously unhinged and deserves to die. He did before he grew the brass balls to abduct me, and he definitely does now.

“Enjoy the last little bit of your life,” I taunt him in a sing-song voice as if I don’t have a care in the world.

“You think you’re special, Viola Guidice?” Juan’s lip curls back revealing his yellowing teeth as he runs his fingers through his hair. Again.

He’s trying to hide his nervousness.

Neither one of his phone calls went how he thought they were going to go. It was clear in the way he threw his phone across the room to shatter against the wall after he called Dante. He thought my brother would fall all over himself to get me back, but he didn’t. At least not on the outside.

Martinez is an idiot if he thinks we haven’t prepared for an abduction situation. Most of the jewelry I wear have trackers, for this exact reason. Dante doesn’t track me unless he has to, it was one of the rules I put in place when I conceded to my brother’s paranoia.

I guess it wasn’t all paranoia after all.

Dante brushed Martinez off as if he was just an annoying gnat, which isn’t too far from the truth. It was too much for Martinez to handle and his poor phone paid the price.

I’m sure it didn’t help that the call to the Falsini triplets didn’t go as expected either. It went how I figured it would go. Why would Mateo care about me being captured by Martinez? It was a gamble making the call in the first place.

If I were in Mateo’s shoes, I wouldn’t give the money back that Martinez paid either. Especially considering that the guns would remain in Juan’s possession as well. What kind of deal would that be?
