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It also helped when I married my men two months ago because it made it all real and the Falsini triplets became family. It’s a bond I knew Dante and my brothers would honor. They haven’t disappointed me and the tension in the room has gotten less oppressive every time we’ve been around each other.

Then there’s the fact that Dante and Jasmine welcomed their baby only a few weeks ago. I’ve never seen my big brother as soft as he is when he’s looking at Rose. I think the fates knew what they were doing when they gave Dante a daughter as his first born.

Looking around the table to see the smiling faces of all the people who mean the most to me is the best present I could have gotten. I’m sure there are some gifts to open, but I wanted to give my family a surprise today. I hope they like it.

I bump Fleur’s shoulder and tease her, “I guess you didn’t get me a Club Sin membership renewal, huh?”

Fleur blushes slightly and I notice Giovanni’s head snaps up and over in our direction. Huh. That’s an interesting reaction, but I brush it off because today is not the day for drama and Fleur is a fucking adult.

“It’s not like we go together anymore,” my best friend sasses me with a big smile on her face.

I was worried, when I first got with the triplets, that it would change my relationship with my best friend, a woman I consider a sister. It hasn’t, thankfully. We put in the effort to make time for each other.

Considering how much time the guys spend working, I have plenty of time to still spend with Fleur. We, sometimes, even keep up with appearances at least once a week and go shopping.

Something has been going on with her lately and she’s been very quiet about it. If she doesn’t spill soon, I’m going to have to figure out a way to force her hand. We don’t keep secrets from each other, at least not for long.

With dessert plates being pushed back slightly on the table and everyone looking satisfied, I clear my throat and sit up a little straighter. The triplets all give me their undivided attention and Mateo, who was a little way down the table talking with Leonardo, comes back and stands behind me. He gives my shoulder a squeeze before he bends and kisses the top of my head.

The only time Mateo is cold now is when he’s working. With me he’s warm and giving. He reaches for me more than I reach for him. He kisses me until I’m breathless and he never lets us go to sleep with a misunderstanding between us.

Sometimes I wonder where the cold man I met went, but as long as he’s happy then I am too.

“I know this is my birthday, but I have a little present for everyone,” my voice comes out even, which is surprising because I’m more nervous right now than I remember ever being before.

The murmurs around the table are ones I expect—that it’s my special day and no one else needs presents.

Well, this is one that not everyone will get to enjoy, not really.

“I’m pregnant,” I blurt the words and my friends and family freeze for a heartbeat before they erupt in cheers and congratulations.

When I glance at my triplets, they have smug smiles on their faces, and I narrow my eyes. My voice is cautious, “Why don’t you guys seem excited?”

Marco reaches over and lifts me from my chair before placing me in his lap. He nuzzles into my neck. “Oh, we’re excited,il nostro cuore,” he assures me.

“We’ve also known for a month,” Massimo leans over his brother’s shoulder and kisses my lips softly.

I sigh and shake my head. “Of course you did.”

“We know you, our heart,” Mateo’s rich voice is filled with emotion. “Better than we know ourselves.”

What a way to celebrate another year of life. I can’t wait to see what this next year brings.
