Page 10 of Kevlar To My Vest

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“Viddy,” Trance growled, enticing another shiver from me. Goosebumps pebbled on my skin at my name coming out of his mouth. “Get to your room.”

Pulling my glasses from my face, I let my bottom lip drop until it was in a small downward curve. I didn’t pull any punches. I even let my eyes tear up a bit.

“Do you promise you’ll come talk to me? Will you bring Falco to me and come? Let us explain, I promise there’s an explanation. Please?”

I knew I would get his promise. With anybody else, I probably wouldn’t have, but with Trance, I knew he’d listen to me. He trusted me and knew I wouldn’t steer him wrong.

“Yes, I promise. Now go back to your room. I’ll bring thisPendragonkid, too.” Trance swore.

Knowing I could trust his word, I turned and walked back to the classroom, using the lockers as a guide instinctually until I got to my room.

Although, lately I didn’t seem to need it.

I was technically blind, although I’ve always been able to make out shadows or dark and light. For instance, if I was walking down the hallway of the school, I could make out shadowed shapes that were people, but I couldn’t make out fine details.

High contrast items like a big black circle on a white background I could make out, as well.

Then there was a narrow field out of my left peripheral vision that I could see nearly perfectly. Although, it was such a small field, that it would be practically useless to most people. To me, though, it was a miracle.

Lately, though, that narrow field was becoming wider.

From what was explained to me, normal eyes, combined, have about a 180-degree field of vision. Each eye seeing about 95 degrees.

Before, it was a single tiny sliver. If a normal seeing person covered their eyes with their hands, and peeked out through their fingers, you’d see slices of whatever you were looking at.For me, it was as if I could see perfectly out of the left most slice, allowing me about a three-degree window.

Lately, though, that window was getting bigger, and I knew it.

Which was why I was heading to my doctor that I’ve been seeing for eleven years now. Maybe he could tell me if it was getting better. And maybe tell me why I was getting headaches from hell to go with it.

Secretly, I thought I had a brain tumor or something, which was why I was putting the whole thing off.

However, my sister had become increasingly adamant about me seeing the doctor.

“How do you do that?” Sandra’s infuriated voice came from my left once I reached the suite of classrooms

I turned towards where I heard her voice, tried to keep the annoyed look off my face, and failed.

“How I do what...exactly?” I asked with barely contained patience.

“Play that poor pitiful me act. You had that guy eating out of your fingers. I bet you’ve fucked him, haven’t you?” Sandra hissed quietly.

Not quietly enough, though, for Trance not to hear.

“I think that’s highly inappropriate of you to say, don’t you think, ma’am?” Trance’s steely voice said from behind me.

I didn’t turn around, but I did turn my head until I could see him. It wasn’t much. Not nearly enough. But something inside of me settled.

A cold, wet nose touched my dangling hand, bringing my attention to Radar who was at my side.

I didn’t wait for permission to touch him as I usually did. Radar wouldn’t have touched me if he was still working.

I dropped down to my haunches, burying my nose into Radar’s furry neck.

“Hey, big boy,” I whispered to him.

Radar’s tail thumped against the tiled floor, and a pang of sadness assaulted me as I thought of Hemi.

It’d been one month since I called Trance to help me with Hemi, and one month since I’d been with him last.
