Page 103 of Kevlar To My Vest

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“Did you know they have a drug dog that sniffs out drugs every other week? Do you think a person could do what Radar does?” I asked serenely.

“No, I guess they couldn’t.” She confessed.

“On a daily basis, Radar goes to schools in Benton to make sure they’re free of drugs. He checks lockers and vehicles...all before his shift even starts. They may have a couple of hours to kill from there, but then they’re on shift for another twelve plus hours. He conducts traffic stops. He helps detain fleeing subjects. He protects his human officer with his life. Most of those are on a good day, too. He is the hardest working officer on the force...all without pay. Do you want to know what he gets out of it? Love. He gets loved. By Officer Spurlock. By the kids that he meets while visiting schools to teach them about safety. Do you know he even goes to visit kids at the local hospitals?” I asked.

When no one answered or said anything, I continued talking. “A few shifts ago, he saved my husband’s life. When my husband was entering a home for a well check, he was shot through the front door. Radar saved my husband’s life when he went in after the armed suspect. He also didn’t kill him. If that had been any other officer, they would’ve had to use lethal force, and that suspect would’ve been dead. Never having to face his crimes. At the football game last week, Radar protected me, just as any other officer would have. Next time you see a K-9 and his human officer, you think about all of the things that K-9 does for this city, and make sure to thank him. Because he’s doing it because he wants to, not because he has to.”

When I left the podium, I saw genuine smiles on nearly every single one of the citizens that I passed. And when I got close enough to Trance, he locked his hand onto my wrist and pulled, bringing me down hard into his lap and burying his face in my neck.

“I love the fuck out of you.” He growled softly.

I laughed lightly. “I love you, too.”

The ruling was in Radar’s favor six to one. The one opposing figure being Eleanor.

Whom I suspected was conspiring with Paul, as well as his parents.

Paul’s steely gaze followed me as I walked out of the town hall, his eyes promising retribution.

Chapter 19

Looks like today’s got shit storm written all over it.

Trance to dispatch


I awoke to lips skimming over my cheek.

“Baby,” Trance said into my ear.

My eyes opened to slits and I stared at the dark room. The only light there was, was coming from the direction of the living room.

Trance got dressed in the spare bedroom that was all the way across the house, since he had to get up about four hours earlier than I did. He always came to kiss me goodbye, though.

We’d been married for two blissful months now, and each time he left me alone to go on shift, he said the same thing.

Today was no different.

“I’ve got to go to work. The .45 is in the nightstand. Love you to pieces.” Trance said softly.

Then I reciprocated with the same thing that I replied with every time he left me to go on shift.

“Squeeze you back together.” I whispered. “Stay safe. Watch your six.”

He chuckled, as he always did, and gave me one last kiss on the cheek before leaving.

As I listened to his retreat, and Kosher’s claws following in his wake, I felt around for Radar’s head and pulled him in close to my chest. Then I whispered the same prayer that I did every time he left me to go on shift. “Keep him safe, day and night. Give him courage, strength and might.”

My eyes closed, but as soon as I started to drift off to sleep, Radar started doing the dreaded barfing sounds that makes every pet owner shoot up out of bed as if their ass was on fire.

Running through the house at a sprint, I made it to the door and yanked it open, ignoring the alarm. Radar rushed past me, barely making it to the grass in time to yak up God knows what.

I was surprised to find that the wind was blowing like crazy since I never even heard the storm approach like I usually did. And dammit did it suck. I hated when Trance had to work in the rain. Not to mention his rain parka was hanging up in the laundry room.

Bolts of lightning streaked one after the other across the sky, followed quickly by the boom of thunder.

Following the second boom of thunder, the neighborhood, and the house behind me went deathly still. Which meant the lights were out and I’d have to get dressed in the dark. Yay.
