Page 105 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Instead, I contained myself, and fell back on my training.

I was about to send Kosher ahead when I heard the soft crying of my wife, followed by Paul’s sadistic reply. “Sit still bitch. Or I’ll tie your legs to the post and make it really good for you.”

What I heard made every single part of me freeze and then explode in motion.

In hindsight, I never should’ve done it. I knew better, but I just couldn’t stop myself.

I burst through the door and found Paul between my wife’s legs. She was crying, and blood was coating the front of her face and chest, soaking the grey ‘POLICE’ t-shirt she’d stolen of mine.

I raised my gun, tightened my finger on the trigger, and fired.

If I were thinking more clearly, I would’ve used my Taser. Or at least gotten him to come towards me before shooting.

With the way it happened, the bullet entered at the base of Paul’s head, and exited out the very top, blowing it to pieces.

Blood, bone, and grey matter spread in a fifteen-foot arc across the room, and Paul’s lifeless body collapsed on top of Viddy.

Viddy screamed in fear, and I grabbed the body by the collar of his shirt and hauled him backward, letting him drop unceremoniously to the floor with a loud, meaty thump.

Viddy was still screaming, which was not in the least surprising seeing as she was naked and covered in blood from the waist down.

Grabbing the corner of the bed spread, I brought it to Viddy’s face and started wiping away Paul’s blood from her face, causing her to finally calm enough to realize that Paul was no longer on top of her.

“T-Trance?” She whimpered, breaking my heart even more.

“It’s me, baby. It’s okay. Shhh,” I said, brushing her hair back, uncaring of the wet that slicked against my hand as I did so.

With one large inhaled breath, she launched herself at me, sobbing.


“Goddammit Spurlock. What the fuck were you thinking?” The Chief snarled.

I looked at him from my perch on the couch.

Thank God her sister came over as soon as she heard what happened. It gave me some time to collect my thoughts while Adeline helped Viddy get cleaned up.

That was after they took samples of the blood and guts on her skin for evidence.

My eyes narrowed on the man in front of me.

“What was I thinking?” I asked in a deceptively quiet voce.

The Chief’s eyes snapped to me, taking in my overtly calm demeanor and froze.

“What I was thinking was,” I said quietly. “Was that my wife was screaming. That I didn’t give one flying fuck what or who was in there with her. Obviously, I could’ve done things differently, but I didn’t. I only did what I thought to do at the time. Should I have done things differently? Yes, probably. However, that doesn’t change what’s been done. Nor would I change a goddamned thing.”

The chief sighed.

“Pending the investigation, you’re on administrative leave. The council’s going to have a goddamned hay day with this. First, the dog attacking him, followed by The Russo’s pulling every single favor they ever had with anyone with any goddamn reach whatsoever to get Radar to be put down, and then this. The media coverage this is going to bring to the department alone is going to fucking kill us. The Russo’s won’t let this go, either.” He growled.

I didn’t say anything. There was nothing to say. Even now, three hours after the incident with a much clearer head, I still wouldn’t have done anything differently.

“Bring them on.” I snapped at him.

The other officers in the room all turned and regarded me. They thought I was fucked in the head, and I probably was. Forever.

I didn’t think I could ever get the picture of that man between my woman’s legs out of my mind. What would’ve happened if I hadn’t come home?
