Page 106 of Kevlar To My Vest

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I laughed sardonically. I knew what would’ve happened. She would’ve been raped. The one person in this entire world that I was supposed to protect above all others, I’d let down. Now there was no telling what kind of emotional state she’d be in. She’d probably need therapy for years to come.


That was the air leaving my chest in a rush as Viddy’s body connected with my own.

Her hair, which was still wet from the shower, pressed against my neck, sending chills down my spine. Reflexively, I gathered her closer, burying my head into her neck.

“How’s Radar doing, Trance?” She asked me.

I lifted my head to find her concerned eyes on me. “He’s doing fine. Silas took him to the vet for me, just in case. He was acting just fine when Silas put him in my truck.”

Radar had been knocked over the head with the same steel beam that Viddy had, knocking him out cold.

“You said he left the door open,” Viddy said with confusion clearly evident in her voice. “Did he not think that Radar would wake up at some point and come after him?”

I’d thought about that myself. The entire situation had been confusing to me. Paul’s actions weren’t the actions of a rational thinking person. Things weren’t adding up, and there had to be something we were missing.

Something that would’ve explained why he only wounded Radar instead of killing him. He knew, quite clearly, what Radar was capable of. By leaving that door open, he gave Radar the capability to kill him. He would’ve never even seen it coming.

Which was the only thing, right now, keeping me so calm.Radar would’ve woken up and done something, just as he was trained to do. Viddy wouldn’t have been alone for long.

“I don’t know what he was thinking, baby. Everything in me tells me that something isn’t right here. That something else is going on besides that. Something that Paul died with.”

She shuttered in my arms.

“Where are we staying tonight?” She asked softly.

My eyes flipped back up to find the room empty besides Adeline, Kettle, The Chief and Loki.

The Chief and Loki were talking quietly in the entranceway to the kitchen, and Adeline and Kettle were looking at us.

They’d left Saylor at their house with Kettle’s mom, who’d been more than happy to watch her on such short notice.

That was the first time I had seen Adeline without Saylor since she was born.

“You can stay with us,” Adeline offered.

I snorted. “No offense, Addy, but I’ve been to your house a lot in the past couple of months. I’d never get any sleep.”

She smiled fondly. “Yeah, I don’t either. Kettle can sleep right through it though.”

“You can stay at my place. I have an extra bedroom.” Loki interrupted.

I looked at Viddy. “That okay?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“Feel free to go anytime. Obviously you’re off shift until you’ve completed the mandatory counseling sessions. Remember to turn in your service weapon as well.” He said looking pointedly at my gun that was still planted firmly in my hand.

I wasn’t really too keen on giving it up.

I’d been asked numerous times to turn it over, but I couldn’t make my hands release it just yet.

“I’ll turn it over when I’m about to leave. Can I go in and grab some clothes before we head out?” I asked him.

“You can have Officer Rector retrieve them for you. You’ve seen enough for tonight. They’ll process the scene and continue collecting the evidence by tomorrow morning, and then you can have a cleaning crew come in and take care of the mess. I want you in tomorrow morning by nine AM to see the doc, and then you can give your statement after that. Okay?”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, instead just agreeing to save myself the time. “10-4.”
