Page 16 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Well didn’t that make me feel stupid?

“Alright, Ms. Sheffield. Here’s what I think.” He said, taking a seat again. “I think the headaches are more or less from you using your eyes. You’re probably doing a lot more straining than you think you are, which in turn, is making you almost tense as you study what you’re trying to observe. However, if the headaches start to come more often, and are still there the next morning, I would like you to come back in. As for your eyesight...”

He stopped and seemed to search for his words carefully.

“You’ve always been my toughest case. You had no damage to your optic nerves. Your brain has always been fine. It’s just one of thosephenomenonsthat I couldn’t quite figure out. I’ve been waiting for a break when it comes to you. You have no medical reason as to why you cannot see. After your head trauma, the swelling put pressure on those nerves, but they’re still intact and have no degraded tissues. Hell, you could wake up tomorrow and see perfectly. It’s just one of those things that I have no explanation for. Maybe your brain is just now catching on to that fact.” Dr. Morris finally said.

The thought of her waking up tomorrow and seeing perfectly made what felt like bees, take flight in my stomach, making me almost giddy with excitement. God that would just be absolutely perfect for her. However, life wasn’t always that easy. In fact, it was downright cruel at times to the people that deserved it the least.

“I...I woke up one morning a month ago and I could see. At least, I could see for all of thirty seconds, and it went away again. It was just a glimpse, and in fact, I’ve almost convinced myself that it was just a dream, except it’s just too real.” Viddy said timidly.

Dr. Morris and I studied her for long moments as we processed what she’d just said.

“Tell me what you saw, and what happened after.” Dr. Morris requested.

She shook her head, her eyes turning down, and her cheeks flushing. “Uhh, well...”

“Come on, my dear. We’re all adults here.” Dr. Morris urged.

“Well, I had to put my dog to sleep, and Trance helped me with that. He took me home that night, and afterwards, he tucked me into his bed. When I woke up the next morning, I walked into the bathroom without thinking about the fact that Trance was in there. It wasn’t until I saw him through the shower stall that I realized he was naked...and that I was actually seeing him naked. But my vision was gone just as fast as it showed, so I just figured that my imaginationwas very good. I was still really tired, and I’d been crying a lot the day before. I’m thinking I was just daydreaming.”

I remembered that day with a crystal clear clarity. I’d already worked out in my in-home gym, ran three miles on the treadmill, and exercised the dogs that morning. I’d thought to slip into the shower while Viddy was still sleeping before I woke her up to take her to school.

Only she woke up while I was still in the shower. Masturbating.

I’d seen the color rise high in her cheeks when she’d realized she walked in on me showering, but never did I contribute it to her actuallyseeingme in the shower.

“Well, that’s certainly not out of bounds. You’ve got no reason not to be able to see. It is possible that it could’ve happened. Give me some details, and we can compare.” Dr. Morris ordered.

“Uhh,” Viddy started. “This bathroom was white...”

I saw the bathroom in my mind. It was white. White tiles, white walls, white rug, white shower. But a lot of single men that live alone have fairly utilitarian lifestyles I, for one, have no fashion sense whatsoever.

“What else, dear. Tell me what Trance looked like.” Dr. Morris suggested.

Viddy’s cheeks pinked, and I knew right then, that she had, for sure, seen me. There was no way she’d be blushing like that if she hadn’t.

“Uh, he has a tattoo on his arm. A black one with yellow/gold trim. He has hair was soapy, and his lashes were thick and black. He has a skull and crossbones on his chest, and some lettering on his arm with stars going up to his armpit.”

As she was speaking, I started to categorize each of the tattoos she was describing. The police emblem on my right arm that said to serve and protect was one of my first ever tattoos once I entered the academy after discharging from the Air Force. The stars represented each of the friends I’d lost to the war in Iraq. The lettering saying Freedom isn’t Free. The last she spoke of was The Dixie Wardens MC tattoo on my chest.

Well I guess I could be thankful that she didn’t give the old doc a heart attack by telling him I was jackin’ off.

Dr. Morris catalogued my tattoos and my eyes before smiling wide.

“That’s what I’m looking at,” Dr. Morris turned back to Viddy.

“Really?” She gasped.

Her hands went to her chest, over her heart, and tears started gathering in her eyes.

“Why didn’t you ask me a month ago? I would’ve answered you.” I asked curiously.

“Uh, well, I was already embarrassed enough to be honest.” She giggled.

“Well then, my dear, my only guess now is try to make your life as stress-free as possible. Get as much sleep as you can. Maybe start with what you did that day, and go from there. It might be that it’s you keeping yourself from going any further, not any medical reason.”

“So you’re saying that I’m making myself be blind?” Her voice rose.
