Page 21 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Dinner was going surprisingly well for how the night had begun until I got the first phone call of the evening.

“Hello?” I said around a mouthful of lasagna.

“There’s someone in my apartment.” A whispered voice greeted me.

The fork that had been in my hand dropped, clinking against the plate with a loud clatter.

I sat forward, staring at my food unseeingly. “Viddy? What’s happening?”

“I’m under the bed. There’s someone in my house.”

She was speaking so quietly that I had to strain to hear her over the din of the busy restaurant.

“Please.” She pleaded.

With no word to Loki on where I was going, I shoved back from the table and took off, calling in backup as I exited the parking and headed towards my cruiser.

“Unit 5-2 responding a 10-31 at the apartments Southof the lake. Unit 1A. Requesting backup.” I bid urgently.

“10-4 backup dispatched.” The dispatcher acknowledged.

I had no knowledge of getting in the car, nor driving to Viddy’s apartment. The ten minutes in between leaving the restaurant and arriving were a blur. One minute I was letting Radar in the cruiser, and the next I was parking across three spots, two apartments down from Viddy’s.

We went straight up to her apartment.

I used the key she’d given me earlier that afternoon in case of emergencies, thankful that she’d done so. I was even more thankful that I’d programmed my number into her ICE-in case of emergency- contact list. I was number one. The police were number two. And Adeline was number three.

Radar was close at my heels as I walked in the door, crouching down low just in case.

Her apartment was completely black except for the blinking red light that indicated she had a message on her machine.

Hitting the button on the barrel of my gun, I turned the LED flashlight on and surveyed the room.

There was nothing there.

Which was the case in the next two rooms I went through as well.

I did notice that the kitchen window was open, the curtain flapping in the breeze.

Finally, at the last room, Viddy’s bedroom, I pushed the door open to see a figure hunched over the bed.

“Freeze!” I roared.

The figure hunching over the bed froze.

Reaching over with my free hand, I flicked on the light switch, illuminating the room in a bright fluorescent glow.

And none other than Paul, Viddy’s ex, stood there.

He was completely naked with a pair of Viddy’s panties in one hand held up to his face and his tiny little dick in the other.

“Hands in the air.” I growled.

“Backup. It’s me.” Loki’s voice called from the front room.

“In here. Back bedroom. I’ve got him.” I called.

Walking slowly forward, I took first one, and then the other hand, cuffing them quickly and efficiently behind his back. Just barely resisting the urge to slam the man’s face into the large wooden pillar that made up the bed’s footboard.
