Page 25 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Starting to panic, I clawed at the hot heavy thing on my chest before strong hands pushed my feeble ones out of the way, deftly working to get the hot metal away from my chest.

“Jesus Christ, get his hands!” Kettle yelled.

My hands were restrained against the cold grass, and I started to buck.

“Mother fucker,” Sebastian growled.

I felt something straddle my legs, but I hadn’t taken a breath in nearly a minute and a half, and my vision started going black.

Just when true and real panic started to set in, blessed relief on my chest had me taking in a deep gulp of air through oxygen-starved lungs.

First one, and then two, followed by more. Deep pulls of air giving my oxygen starved brain it’s much needed nutrients had all my struggles ceasing.

I lay on the grass with someone restraining my arms, and another body laying over my legs.

It took a full minute of deep breathing for my vision to return to normal, and as I opened my eyes, I found Kettle’s eerie blue ones staring deep into my own. He was close enough that I was sharing his air, which wasn’t something I was used to.

“Are you going to kiss me or something?” I rasped warily.

“I was going to if I had to. I wouldn’t have enjoyed it or anything.” Kettle laughed, sitting back on his haunches, giving me a clear view of Sebastian straddling my body and holding me down.

“Jesus, I feel like this is some sort of kinky dream.” I laughed, and then groaned when the pain in my chest finally started making itself known.

Then I heard the snarling barks of Kosher, and the high-pitched squeals of someone else, most likely being pinned to the floor by him.

“Give me the vest back,” I groaned as I sat up. “Get off my legs, dude, I need to check the scene.”

Sebastian moved off reluctantly, staring at me like I’d just grown a second head.

I stood with the help of Kettle, and then shrugged the vest back on that he’d taken off.

My shirt was torn from where one of them had ripped it open, forgoing the buttons for expediency. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway when I looked down to see the large hole from the slug in my vest.

When I walked to the door, gun in hand, I dropped and took note of the scene before me.

One man lay on the ground in the entranceway, most likely dead. The gun lay at the man’s feet, dropped unceremoniously where it’d fallen from limp fingers.

The door was open slightly, and I nudged it with my foot further, taking in the scene before me.

No longer needing to announce my presence, I walked in, kicking the gun out the door just in case dead man decided to pull a zombie act and come back from the dead.

Upon inspection of his pulse, I was assured that he was most definitely dead, and rounded the entranceway with caution, gun held out in front of me.

The entranceway led into a sunken living room that I cleared quickly.

Knowing that Kosher had whomever he was guarding, I cleared first the two back bedrooms, the laundry room, and the back yard before finally making my way into the kitchen.

What I found was the shit out of a raunchy porno.

Shaking my head in surprise, I called to Kosher.


Kosher sat on his haunches with nervous anticipation.

The man he’d been growling at was already a manner of speaking.

“It’s clear!” I bellowed, making the guy at the table whimper.
