Page 35 of Kevlar To My Vest

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She smiled cryptically. “Oh, not much. Well, a little bit. You’ll have to take me out to see a movie before I tell you, though. I haven’t been able to do that in years.”

With that cryptic comment, she left, walking back inside, not even sparing us another glance.

Taking half of my heart with her.

“Oh, she’s dangerous.” Miller laughed.

I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, now you know why I have to keep some distance between us until I know if she can handle my job or not.”

“Yeah, good luck with that.” Miller said as he tossed the rest of his beer back. “Now, let’s go eat some of that fried chicken she cooked. It smells fucking amazing.

Chapter 6

Boys will be boys, and men will be…whiney boys when they don’t get what they want.

-Life Lesson


“What the fuck is that?” Foster asked as he pointed to the piece of equipment that Max had in his hands.

Max was a big fucker.

Tall with shoulders like a linebacker. He was my height with close-cropped hair and one fuck of a scar on his face.

Him and Loki were two peas in a pod in the scar department.

“This,” Max said as he held up the newest gadget he was installing in Viddy’s place. “This is my newest acquisition from my old CO. It’s a prototype that we’ve been begging to use. It only took the right circumstances. See, his baby sister is blind, too. He knows all the hardships that they go through. He sent extra.”

His grin was positively devilish.

Gabe was busy giving Viddy a run down on how to work her new system. What to do and not to do. What features she had in case she ever needed them. Right then he was busy putting a remote key chain into her hand.

Except he lifted her wrist, used his fingers to open her hand, and then curled his hand around hers to make her clasp the gadget, which made my blood boil.

It was irrational.

I knew Gabe wasveryhappily married with three kids, one of which turned nine months old last week. I’d even seen him showing off pictures of his baby when he arrived.

However, my mind didn’t care that he was married. All that kept screaming through my head was that some man had his hands on her.

“What the fuck?” Max exclaimed.

All of us turned to where Max was standing near the closet, and what I saw made my stomach flip.

No, it wasn’t the arsenal of guns that Viddy had in her bedroom closet. Nor the N’Sync poster she had hanging up on her closet door.

It was the tiny little camera about the size of my pinky finger that Max pulled out that elicited that reaction.

Gabe, who saw the little camera from all the way across the room, pulled Viddy out by her elbow before she could see anything, leaving my brothers, Max, and me behind. All staring at the camera.

“Is it live?” I rasped.

The words felt raw in my throat.

Using a red bandana he had in his back pocket, Max took the camera down carefully, being doubly sure not to smudge any lasting prints.

“Got a light?” Max asked with a raised eyebrow.
