Page 42 of Kevlar To My Vest

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With a soft kiss on my nose, he grabbed my hand and pulled me in his wake.

The butterflies that are always present when he’s within arm distance to me turned into goddamn bats, and I had to restrain myself from making happy little sounds as he guided me into the restaurant.

I was just inside the door when I was jostled to the side by a cute little blonde girl.

Then, I shit you not, she threw herself forward, pushing me even further away and falling to the floor like a piece of paper. Slow and smooth.

Then she started crying.

“My ankle!” She cried.

Her voice was annoying, and I wanted to kick her.

Trance, of freakin’ course, let go of my hand, and helped the unfortunate girl up.

“You okay, Tillie?” Trance asked worriedly.

Trance spoke to her as if he knew her. With the satisfied smirk she sent my way when Trance dropped to his haunches to examine her ankle, I knew immediately that they’d been lovers.

Trying my best to not run away, I started walking quickly, only for Foster and Miller to flank me.

“Where ya running to, Vidalia?” Foster asked as he took my elbow.

“Nowhere. I just wanted to sit down. Have y’all ever been here before?” I asked politely.

I wasn’t thinking about that woman having her hands on my man. I mean Trance. Trance was not mine. Even though I’d like him to be. But I came with too much baggage.

When we moved up to the hostess stand, the young girl stared at the two men at my sides in awe. “Uhhh,” she said. “How many?”

I shrugged. I honestly had no clue. Close to twenty though, at least. Maybe I could get a separate table for the snake and Trance.

“Thirty?” I asked.

“That’s okay. I’ll just give you the banquet room. It seats up to fifty.” The young girl said as she blushed profusely.

“That’s fine, thank you.” Foster gave her a devilish smile.

Impossibly, she turned even redder before grabbing nearly all the menus and walking away quickly.

“I think you have an admirer.” I said and laid my head down on Foster’s shoulder.

A not amused voice cleared his throat behind us before saying, “What’s going on?”

I glared at him before turning back around, keeping a death grip on the two males’ arms.

“Y’all have incredibly large arms. Do y’all work out a lot?” I asked.

I hadn’t meant it to be funny, but the two men laughed uproariously.

“Oh, God. That was a good one.” Miller said, running the back of his hand across his eyes.

“What?” I asked.

Miller looked down into my eyes, and I was struck again at how much he looked like Trance.

“We work out every single day and then some.” He answered soberly. “This is our first week off in nearly a year.”

I squeezed his bicep tightly before dropping it.
