Page 43 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Walking to the opposite side of the table, I picked the seat that had the wall to my side, leaving only one opening on my right, and sat down.

I’d hoped that Miller or Foster would get the seat, but of course Trance did.

Miller and Foster took the seats across from us, while the stupid little bitch, Tillie, took the seat on Trance’s right, effectively ruining my entire meal.

My sister and Kettle sat on the opposite end of the table, so they were no help either.

Fun stuff.


I’d never considered myself lucky to be blind, but right then, I was. With Trance sitting on my right, that meant that I couldn’t see him very well unless I completely turned my head in his direction.

Which I didn’t.

I could hear him and Tillie talking.

I could hear Tillie’s sugary sweet voice cooing at him, and I wanted to vomit.

Pulling my phone out, I sent a quick text to my sister.

Me: Who’s this bitch sitting next to Trance?

Addy- That’s Trance’s ex.

Me: Fucking perfect. I think I want to throw a hush puppy at her. Maybe I’ll be lucky and choke her with it with the way she’s running her big mouth.

I could hear my sister’s laugh at the end of the table, and I smiled for the first time since I’d met Tillie ten minutes ago.

Addy- I could probably nail her with a bowl of horseradish. That okay?

Me: Perfect.

“Who are you texting?” Trance asked from my side.

I ignored him, shoving the phone in the pocket of my jeans before taking a ball of doughy goodness and dipping it in a generous dollop of ketchup.

Then I shoved the entire thing in my mouth.

It was divine.

Hush puppies were one of my favorites.

“Ma’am, what would you like something else to drink?” The waitress asked.

“Miller Genuine Draft. In a mug.” I said around a mouth full of food.

“Nice choice.” Miller said with a wide smile.

I held him a thumbs up and kept eating.

For the rest of the night I alternated in between Foster’s and Miller Genuine Draft.

I could tell Trance was pissed by the way heat seemed to emanate off his body, but I didn’t relent. Especially when he started talking to the heifer next to him.

By the time I was on my fifth beer, I was three sheets to the wind, and I’d forgotten I was mad at Trance. That was the most I’d drank since I got shitfaced in college and had to have my stomach pumped.

“Ma’am, would you something else to drink?” The hostess asked.
