Page 44 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Damn but the woman was attentive.

“I want a Killian Red. I’ve wanted a Killian the entire time. Why haven’t you been bringing me those?” I asked her curiously.

She looked at me oddly. “Because you told me you wanted Miller and Foster’s. Was I wrong?”

“No,” I moaned. “Just make sure it’s a Killian for the rest of the night. Bottle please. I want it straight from the source.”

Truly, I never should’ve had that fourth beer. There was always a fine line of when I was just tipsy, and when I was shitfaced, and I seemed to cross it nearly every time. Which was why I didn’t drink much.

Chuckles from the man beside me, as well as the two in front of me had me aware that I must’ve said something funny, but hell if I knew what it was.

“You want any more fish from this batch?” Miller asked me.

I looked up at him and saw the smile on his face. “No, thanks. What kind of beer are you drinking?”

I didn’t know why I asked him that, but I felt it very imperative to my well-being at that moment.

“Heineken.” He answered.

“What about you?” I asked Foster.

“Heineken.” Foster answered.

“Hmm. What about you?” I asked Trance, elbowing him in the ribs.

He grunted. “BlackenedVoo Doo.”

I glanced at his beer. “What’s that taste like?”

The bottle came into my view, and I took it with my free hand that wasn’t holding my fork.

Taking a swig, I saw God.

The beer God that was.

“This is delicious,” I declared loudly.

A small burp slipped out of my mouth, and I excused myself before finishing the rest.

“Here, you can have the rest.” I said handing the empty bottle back to him.

“Thanks,” he said dryly.



“That’s disgusting.” Tillie sneered when she heard Viddy let out a small burp.

I rolled my eyes.

“What do you see in her?” She asked in disgust.

My cold, hard eyes turned to hers. “What? Your shit doesn’t stink? You’ve never burped in your life before? If you don’t like it, move to a different seat. You rode here with Dixie, how about you go back and sit with him?”

Dixie was one of the original founders of The Dixie Wardens. He was one hell of a guy, but right then, I could’ve kicked his ass.

“You know we were good together. You damn well know it.” Tillie seethed, clutching onto my arm.
