Page 45 of Kevlar To My Vest

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I ripped it free of her grip and glared at her. “You can...”

“Get your filthy slut hands off him.” Viddy snarled from my other side.

I turned to find her standing and leaning over the back of my chair.

She was glaring daggers at Tillie, and I had a surge of desire shoot through my system when I saw the look in her eyes as she stared at the woman beside me.

I was thankful that she was finally letting her jealously show. I’d wanted to beat the shit out of my own brothers for holding her hand. When we’d arrive at the restaurant earlier, Tillie had purposefully fallen.

I’d waited until Viddy was out of sight to call her on it, livid that she wouldn’t take the fucking hint. Tillie wanted more, and I wasn’t willing to give it to her. She wasn’t what my body wanted, and never had been. Viddy was, and I’d told Tillie as much.

She hadn’t taken the hint though, and I could see now that it was going to take more from me other than a simple,‘I don’t want you.’

I’d endured an entire dinner of Tillie being wholly too close to me, and Viddy only talking to my brothers. I’d about hit the point where I was going to physically make her talk to me when she’d started asking about beer.

I hadn’t realized how much hearing about her taste in beer meant to me until she’d said she preferred Killian’s to the server.

Miller and Foster sat in front of me, giving us both shit eating grins, and I couldn’t help the smile that overtook my own.

“How about we go for a walk, cupcake?” I suggested, standing and taking her hand.

She latched onto my own with surprising strength, and followed me outside.

When she stumbled for the second time, I stopped and wrapped my arm around her waist until her side was flush with my own.

She leaned into me, sighing in pleasure as we walked through the hot, humid night.

“I don’t like that woman.” She declared softly.

I snorted. She may think she wasn’t being obvious about it, but I could tell.

“Yeah, I noticed. I haven’t been with her in over two months now. I don’t know what else to say to her to get that through her head.” I answered honestly.

She shrugged. “You probably can’t do anything. You’ll have to just show her.”

“How do you suggest I show her?” I asked, turning her body until she was sitting down on the bench beside the large fishpond.

Once she was situated, I took a seat of my own and pulled her body in close, wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

She laid her head on my chest, and stared at the rippling pond that was disturbed by the large waterfall.

Koi the size of a large mouth bass in all shapes and colors swam around the water lithely. They were beautiful, and made me contemplate a pond of my own.

“I don’t know. Find a woman, and bring her around a lot. Kiss her, hold on to her. Show Tillie that you’ve moved on.”

I smiled. “Who should I do this with?”

I could feel her body loosening, as she got more and more comfortable against my body.

“Someone who adores you,” she said quietly. “Someone who cares about whether you get home safe or not. Someone who understands your job, but won’t make you change anything because she knows how much you love your job. Someone who could fall in love with you. Someone who already is in love with you. Someone who loves your brothers and your club. Someone who adores your dogs. Someone who can’t wait until she hears from you again.” She whispered.

My heart started thumping hard in my chest. Did she just imply that she loved me? She just described everything I wanted in a woman. Every single thing. All those fears that I’d been turning over in my mind for the last couple of days totally disappeared. All that was left was a certainty.

A certainty that this woman in my arms was the one.

“The woman sounds like somebody that’d be perfect for me.” I rasped.

She answered with a soft snore. One that warmed my heart.
