Page 50 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Trance chuckled and waited patiently as I helped Adeline situate the sheet so most of her was covered but she could still look down at Saylor.

“Okay,” Kettle snapped.

Trance entered the room sans Kosher and Radar, walking hesitantly with his eyes closed. “I really don’t want to see anybody’s boobs. Are you sure everything’s covered?”

Kettle rolled his eyes. “Yeah, man.”

When Trance opened his eyes, I mock glared at him. “Not even my boobs?”

Trance’s mouth opened and closed for a few precious seconds causing me to burst out laughing.

He scrunched his nose up before walking to Kettle and offering his hand. “Listen, I’ve got to go back to work, but I can pick Viddy up once my shift is over. Does that sound good?”

He finished the question looking at me with his eyebrows raised.

“Well, I guess so, but I wanted to go now. I’m going to give them some time to get to know their baby before I go hogging her and pulling the aunt card.” I explained. “Although, I can catch a cab.”

Trance was shaking his head before I even finished my sentence. “Well if that’s the case, come on and I’ll drop you off. You’re in my district anyhow.”

After kisses from Kettle and Adeline, and sweet Saylor nuzzles who, luckily, was no longer latched on to my sister’s boob, I walked with Trance down the hall.

Our hands were both down at our sides, and I practically itched to grab his hand with my own.

After the third circumstantial brush, I finally grew a pair and latched onto his hand with my own.

He clutched it back, smiling down at me as he pressed the button for the elevator.

It was eight o’clock at night, and it surprised me to see two teenagers in the elevator car, seeing as it was so late. Visiting hours been over nearly an hour ago for the rest of the hospital.

Even more, it annoyed me that when the doors opened, the two didn’t even bother to disengage their tongues from each other’s mouths.

Although, Trance made the ride absolutely memorable. When Trance pressed the button for the ground floor, he stayed facing the couple instead of turning around like most people on elevators do.

Which caught the attention of the young teens, who pulled apart like they’d been cattle prodded when they got a load of the police officer just plain staring them down unflinchingly.

They both moved until they were standing on opposite sides of the car, faces flaming, and didn’t say a word.

When the elevator stopped at their floor, they practically flew out of the small box and started running, making me smile like the cat that ate the canary.

“That was just so righteous!” I exclaimed.

He shrugged. “Sometimes it’s good to be a police officer. There’s nothing better than scaring people into acting right.”

I looked up at him, studying his profile as we walked down the hospital corridor.

God, he looked so sexy.

“What’s bad about being a police officer?” I asked.

“I’ve already told you of one such instance. It’d just be nice not to have to bust a drunk driving mother with her infant daughter thrown in the backseat. Or, how about when the cops get called to a domestic disturbance and the woman refuses to file charges against the man that nearly beat her to death with a bottle of shampoo. It’s hard to see any good in the world over all the evil.” Trance explained fiercely.

“You don’t ever see anything good, though? Most of its all bad?” I asked as he held the door open on his cruiser.

He slammed the door closed, and I buckled up, listening to the excited snuffles of the two dogs in the backseat.

Once Trance hefted his big body into the seat beside me, he put on his sunglasses, started the car, and put his hand on the back of my seat before backing up.

The corded muscle of his arm flexed with the move, and I couldn’t help but think about what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of those powerful arms. What would they look like planted beside me head with his big body pumping into me in deep, powerful strokes?
