Page 54 of Kevlar To My Vest

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“I have to go back to work for another three hours. I took my lunch break, but we ended up using nearly three quarters of it.” He hesitated, and then said. “Do you want me to come back over?”

I nodded like a schoolgirl meeting her favorite boy band member, causing him to grin mischievously. “Okay, I’ll be back around two in the morning. I have to take the dogs’ home, and then I’ll be over.”

“Do you want me to go to your place? It’ll be easier for you.”

His hands that had been sliding down my back and up again stopped, and he looked at me intently. “I’d love to have you at my place, but my brothers are still there, and I want a little time with just you. Plus, then we’d have to be quiet.”

“Okay,” I agreed eagerly. “I’ll see you at two. I have some keys on the counter in the kitchen. Max and Gabe gave them to me when they changed the locks.”

His eyes darkened. “Not that I don’t like the fact that you’re giving me keys, honey, but let’s not mention another man, let alone two other men, in the bed when we’re naked again, okay?”

“Yes, sir.” I said sarcastically.

“Now that’s what I like to hear.” He said, giving me a peck on the cheek before he moved to go.

“Hey Trance?” I asked just as he stood up straight.

He turned, and I got another look at his big cock, causing me to lick my lips.

He closed his eyes as if praying for patience before opening them again and backing up slowly. “Yeah?”

“Be careful, and hurry back.”

He grinned devilishly. “Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll be counting down the minutes.”

Then he stepped into his pants, came back over to the bed, gave me another quick peck on the lips before going to the living room to finish dressing.

I stood; slipping on the white t-shirt I’d stolen from him when I’d stayed the night, and followed him out to the living room.

He already had on his vest, and was working on the shirt when he saw me.

He took in my braless state and me in his t-shirt, before saying, “Ah, fuck it.”

Needless to say, he was fifteen minutes late getting off of his lunch break.



“Lock the door,” I said as I headed to the door of Viddy’s apartment. “And set your alarm. Got it?”

She followed behind me, in the same t-shirt that had caused the delay earlier, nodding her head. “Sir, yes, sir!”

I turned and pinned her to the side of the door, crushing my lips to hers in a hurried kiss before breaking it off, and smacking her lightly on the ass. “I like that smart mouth of yours. Keep up the attitude and I’ll have to come up with something to keep your mouth occupied so all that sass doesn’t keep pouring out of it.”

She snorted at me, opened the door, and made a shooing gesture. “I’ll see you in a couple hours, big boy.”

I left, walking down to my car with both dogs hot on my heels.

After a quick visit to the grass for their potty break in the field behind the apartment complex, I let the dogs into the squad and called into dispatch.

As soon as I told dispatch I was back on duty, I headed for the Loop that was my main drag. I worked the Loop on weekend days since it seemed to be a hang out spot for the people of Benton. Since there wasn’t much to do, the teenagers always found a way to get in trouble by drag racing.

Which was why, only five minutes into my first run through, I spotted two cars drag racing with little thought to the other motorists on the road.

Picking up my radio, I called it in as I pulled a bitch, flipping my lights and sirens on. “Unit 5-2 responding to a 23109.”

“10-4.” Dispatch confirmed.
