Page 62 of Kevlar To My Vest

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“My truck won’t start. Again.” Falco sighed.

“Well, that just sucks.” I said sincerely.

“Yeah, looks like I’m going to be walking to work today.” He groaned as he turned and headed in the direction of the guard shack and front gate.

“Where do you work again?” I asked as I fell in step beside him.

He looked at me curiously, but didn’t protest my company.

“I work at a pattern shop off of Highway 80.” He said.

The guard wasn’t in the shack that checked the comings and goings of the traffic, so we sidestepped the gate and proceeded walking down the paved road.

“That’s not too far, is it?” I asked.

“No, about a mile or so. Why are you walking with me?” He blurted.

I giggled and asked, “Sterling Patterns?”

At his nod, I continued. “I’m in need of a ride myself, but no one is picking up their phones. I believe The Dixie Wardens have a clubhouse around that area, correct?”

“Uh, yeah. A couple blocks down from there. At the dead end.”

“Excellent. I’ll just walk with you then, and then I’ll head on to the clubhouse. Maybe I can find a ride there.” I said, happy that I’d come up with a workable plan.

It was only lunchtime, and there was no way I was waiting another two hours for Trance to come pick me up.

We walked in companionable silence, and I was struck anew with how good of a person Falco was. He was everything I would hope for in a teenager. Strong, courteous, caring. He worked his butt off. Got good grades.

“You ready for the football game on Friday?” I asked to break the silence.

He smiled down at me.

Did I mention he was a handsome young man that made all the young girls swoon?

His smile was killer, and made him never run short of female company. It didn’t hurt that he was the running back for the football team, either.

“Yeah, I think we are. Why, are you coming?” He asked.

“I was asked by Jade to come. She said that the homecoming was the best one to come to.” I explained.

Falco snorted. “Yeah, it is. We’re playing Kilgore. They’re one of our biggest rivals.”

“As in Kilgore, Texas? You play a team a state away?” I asked in surprise.

He shrugged, hefting his bag further on his shoulder. “Yep. They used to be 2A like us, but they raised districts, and now they’re 3A. We still play them in scrimmages at the beginning of the season and at our homecoming game. It always turns out to be a really good game.”

“Well that’s nifty. I’ve been here how many years now, and I haven’t heard about it.” I joked.

He laughed. “Jade’s a nice girl. She probably didn’t realize you couldn’t watch the game. She likes you though, with how you helped her pass her TAKS test last year.”

I looked over at Falco, studying him. “You’ve got a crush on her.”

He shrugged, but then grabbed my hand and gently moved me out of the way of a pothole I hadn’t seen, before releasing my hand and answering. “Yep. She’s got a thing for the quarterback, though.”

I grimaced. That sucked. I couldn’t place right off hand who the quarterback was, but I knew for certain that Falco was a good man, and would be excellent for one of my other favorite students, Jade.

My phone chose that moment to ring in my pocket, and I looked down to see the cab company’s number.
