Page 63 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Ignoring it, I shoved it back into my pocket and walked another half a mile before we arrived at Falco’s shop.

“Thank you for accompanying me, Falco. I’ll see you Friday, okay?” I said, patting him on the shoulder before continuing on my way.

“You too, Ms. Sheffield!” He called back at me.

I tossed him a smile over my shoulder, waving. “Have a good day.”

I’d never actually been inside the clubhouse before. I was a little nervous at what I’d find.

I’d gone with Trance the day I’d gotten my new phone, but I’d stayed in the car and spoke to my sister while he’d gone inside.

Rounding the street that ran alongside the clubhouse, I cut through the grass to the parking lot, and knocked softly on the front door.

There were bikes in the parking lot, but I still didn’t know Trance’s well enough to say if he was there or not. I did know that someone was there, though, and that’s all that mattered.

I studied the lettering on the front door as I waited for someone to answer.

After another couple of minutes of nobody answering, I tried the knob, and was relieved to find it unlocked.

Pushing through the door, I was surprised to see just a large space.

It resembled a bar of sorts, but there were sofas and couches interspersed periodically throughout the room.

What did surprise me was the ass poking out of the shirt that was straddling someone.

Turing my head so I could see more clearly through my limited vision, I found the woman topless with her blue jean skirt riding up over her ass, exposing her underwear that disappeared in between the globes of her butt.

I couldn’t make out who was on the bottom, but there were only so many men in the city of Benton who had a dog that answered to Radar.

Through a slight haze, I felt my rational thought depart from the cognitive abilities of my brain.

With a haze of red covering my limited vision, I took off, grabbing Tillie by the hair and yanking her back by the extensions.

Tillie cried out in pain, but I didn’t stop there.

I punched the stupid slut over and over again.

On the second hook of my arm, I felt the bone in her nose break, making a nice crunching sound. The third a spatter of blood squirted from her nose, and by the fourth, I was unaware of what I was doing.

Tillie was wailing like a drama queen, but I didn’t care. She was on top of Trance, and Trance was freakin’ mine! There was no excuses, unless she was performing CPR, but even then, I’d think someone else would’ve been in the room.

“What is going on here?” A voice bellowed from in front of me.

I didn’t stop in the introducing of my fist to Tillie’s face, though. Instead, I grabbed her by the hair to hold her immobile seeing as she kept turning her face away from my punches. Then proceeded to hold her still while I got a better hit in.

A strong arm looped around my waist, pulling me into that of a big ass body. I wasn’t surprised to find myself in Miller’s arms, but I was surprised he was trying to keep me away from that bitch. Particularly since he was the one to tell me to fight for what I wanted.

My arms were wind milling with no effect, so I used the next weapon in my arsenal. Words.

“You stupid bitch, if you don’t keep your hands off my man, I’ll fucking kill you. Do you understand me?” I shrieked.

I knew I was being irrational, but I couldn’t help it. My mind was taken over by the territorial bitch inside of me, and I couldn’t control her when she was like that.

Tillie was being helped up by Silas...well more like dragged since he got her around the arm and yanked her up.

“He was fucking mine before he was yours. If he wanted you, he’d have been with you.” She whined nasally.

I glared at her. “Fuck you. I have a goddamn job. Unlike you. What do you even do here all day, anyway? Fuck for a living? I bet you offer your body to them just for a little spending money. You wanna know what that’s called, sweetheart? Yeah, it’s called being a mother fuckin’ whore!”
