Page 69 of Kevlar To My Vest

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His side of the bed was cold, and hadn’t been slept in in hours.

Even his brothers weren’t there.

But then I got a message, and it changed my whole outlook on the day.

Game on, Trance. Game on.

Chapter 12

When a police officer asks, ‘have you been drinking,’ a good reply is not, ‘are you buying.’

-Viddy, Note to self


“What are you still doing here?” I asked Bree.

We were sitting in the diner, and I was in the very last place in the world I wanted to be.

“I made a mistake.” Bree whispered gravely.

“What kind of a mistake?” I asked taking a sip of my coffee.

“One where I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I left you in the hospital torn up by a knife.” She sniffled.

A lone tear slipped down her perfectly made up face, and I had to suppress the urge to wipe it away. She knew tears always did me in. Every single time, without fail.

Hell, she’d used them on me a lot during our relationship.

‘Don’t go to work today, Trance. I have a bad feeling.’ She’d say nearly every day.

Over time, I’d gotten to the point of just acting like I didn’t see the tears, going to work with a sickness inside of me, knowing I was hurting my fiancé greatly. However, my job was very important to me.

“Listen,” I said. “I know you may think you want to get back together, but I still have the same job. You’d end up in the same predicament that you left me with.”

She was shaking her head before I even finished. “No, I’ve been thinking a lot, and I know I was selfish. I really do know. I’ve been trying to work up the courage to come back to you for some time now.”

I was about to reply to her when the door opened, and two women poured through the diner doors. Both of them were hanging on each other as if they needed each other for support. They were laughing and carrying on and I was struck speechless.

Then, the younger of the two, turned her eyes to me, and they went wide. Then hard.

The older of the two followed the younger’s gaze to me, and her smile slipped from her face as well. Her expression turned remote, as well as disapproving. With that one look, she let me know how she felt.

My mother was utterly pissed at me, and wasn’t against admitting it. Nor showing it.

Viddy’s face was closed down, and when she took a seat at the booth with her back to me, I knew it was going to take some major groveling to get her to forgive me for this.

I’d left that morning with the thought to get my head on straight. I’d come to the diner for some quiet and peace, but then Bree had come in and sat down in front of me with her pleading puppy dog eyes, and I let her talk.

Stupid. Goddamn stupid.

Leaning over, I pulled out my wallet and threw a ten on the table before scooting out of the booth.

“Where’re you going?” Bree asked in alarm.

I spared her a glance and said, “My woman and mom are over there. Hope you get back to Alexandria safely.”

Walking over swiftly without looking back, I knew I had to fix this now, or it’d only fester.
