Page 70 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Sparing my mom a smile, I grabbed Viddy by the arm and practically dragged her out of the booth, kicking and spitting.

With one glance at her face, I knew this wasn’t going to be fun. For either of us.

Leading her outside, I turned and walked down the alley that separated the diner from the floral shop next door, and didn’t stop until we’d reached the back of the building.

“Trance,” Viddy hissed. “Let me go.”

I shook my head. “Not until you hear me out. I didn’t come here to meet her.”

“Sure you didn’t. That was why you were eating breakfast with her.” She growled, and then swung her fist at me.

I caught it without thought, twisted, and held it pinned against the small of her back.

She squirmed fiercely, making me pin her to the wall with my body until the only thing that was separating us was the fabric of our clothing.

With the only recourse she had left, she leaned over and bit me on the meat of the shoulder. Hard.

“Mother fucker.” I growled, jerking away from her and looking down at my shoulder.

She tried to use the distance to run, but I caught her by the waist before she could get very far, grabbed her hands in one of mine, and pinned her back to the wall with my body.

“Would you chill the fuck out and listen to me.” I ground through clenched teeth.

“Fuck you,” she spat.

Closing my eyes, I moved my free hand up until it rested on the speeding pulse of her heart at the juncture of her neck and chin.

Opening my eyes, I saw ones just like my own reflected back at me. “I didn’t come here to meet her. I came here to think about what happened yesterday at your apartment. Shit doesn’t add up.”

“Sure,” she growled. “I just bet that’s why you two looked so fucking cozy when I got here.”

Pressing my throbbing erection into her stomach, I halted her next words in their tracks. “I don’t want my ex. I fucking want you. My dick doesn’t even like the look of her anymore. It only wants you!”

I hadn’t meant to bellow it, but she was still trying to get away from me, and I was fucking sick of it.

“Your mom is inside waiting for me.” She said softly.

“We’ll talk more about it later, but you need to realize that I haven’t thought about Bree in a very long time. I’ve moved on from her. Now it’s you. It’s been you since I found you the night your brother dropped you off in that alley. When you put your arms around my gut, things changed for me in a big way.” I said against her lips, and then took her mouth with a ferocity that could rival a caveman’s.

Just thinking about that night made me want to beat Viddy’s brother to within an inch of his life.

I’d gone over to Kettle’s house one night after work to meet him, and Viddy’s sister had come over screaming about how Viddy was lost and alone somewhere after her brother had dropped her off. Normally, it wouldn’t have been that big of a deal except, at the time, Viddy’s vision wasn’t what it was now. Then, she couldn’t see jack shit, and her cell phone had died.

When I’d found her that night, she’d been scared out of her mind.

It’d only taken a few soothing words, and then she was clinging to me like saran wrap, shaking like she’d just come down from an adrenaline high.

“Okay,” she agreed. “Just don’t do that anymore. I’ve got this bitch that rests inside of me. She makes me do stupid things when I’m angry.”

I snorted. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

She smiled up at me, and my breath hitched.

She was so goddamn beautiful it hurt.

Her long, wavy black hair was up in a ponytail at the top of her head with a pink bandana holding back the stray hairs. The makeup she was wearing was light, but what she did have on made her eyes pop with their intensity.

The jeans she was wearing cupped her ass like a dream, and I highly doubted that she’d be able to sit comfortably in them with how tight they were. The shirt she was wearing was a simple one. Black with the Harley Davidson symbol emblazoned in pink.
