Page 73 of Kevlar To My Vest

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“This is officer Killian Spurlock. I received a page.”

Twenty minutes later found Kosher and me at the intersection of Pine and Second Street. There was a white Cadillac Escalade with bright gold rims off to the side of the road, and Tunnel Morrison was speaking to a young Hispanic male at the back of the car.

Tunnel Morrison was a prospect for The Dixie Wardens. He was capable enough, but at times, he seemed too...innocent.

He was very young, only twenty-three, and one of the first ones in the club to offer you the shirt off his back. He had a wife and young child at home, and it surprised me that the wife wouldn’t have a problem with Tunnel being in a MC. However, she was a sweet, young girl and supported Tunnel fully.

I pulled up directly in front of the Cadillac, backing up some so the Cadillac wouldn’t be able to move unless either Tunnel or I allowed it.

Which the young man noticed almost immediately.

Going to the side door, I let Kosher out, holding onto his leash, and started walking him around the car.

Kosher made his way around the car fully. Going low, not smelling anything at all.

Legally, I couldn’t do anything but let Kosher investigate. Kosher would have to give some indication that he found something before I could search the car, or apply for a warrant.

Which is what Kosher found when he passed by a second time on his high sweep.

He stopped short at the rear passenger side door, and sat.

With that one action, Kosher opened up a shit storm for that young man.

Mainly in the form of 300 pounds of marijuana in the man’s back seats.

He’d thought that he’d been smart, cutting the leather of the seats apart and stuffing the seats full of marijuana. Except he hadn’t counted Kosher’s nose into the equation.

He was also a repeat offender, making me realize that some people will never learn.

Little did I know that I was one of those people.

Chapter 13

Feel safe at night, sleep with a cop…your own cop, that is. Not mine.

-Viddy to Bree


“Bad boys, bad boys,” Adeline sang. “Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?”

“Hopefully come with them.” I said dryly, making Adeline burst out laughing.

“Oh, Jesus. That’s gross.” She said as she wiped away tears.

“Why?” I asked as I pulled on a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt that had Benton High emblazoned on the front.

I was getting ready to go to the Benton vs. Kilgore homecoming game. Trance was already going since it was one of the busiest places on Friday nights, and three quarters of the time, he was required to be there with his K-9.

After his big bust yesterday, the town thought he was a hero.

Poor Tunnel was thrust into the spotlight, too.

“Because you just made me think about you doing naughty things with Trance.” She said in exasperation.

I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom.

“What’s that dog doing?” Adeline yelled from the bedroom.
