Page 75 of Kevlar To My Vest

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“Well, yeah. But what if she gets hungry?”

“Then you feed her.” Duh!

“Kettle would probably have a coronary if he found out I had my boob exposed in public.” She said dryly.

Oh dear. We’d had this discussion many times over the last ten months. I, personally, didn’t care about what people thought. Adeline cared too much. So we always agreed to disagree.

I was happy when we pulled up to the game. I didn’t want to have another breastfeeding debate with her.

“Bye, Addy. Let me know what you decide on getting our toes done in a couple of days.” I instructed as I blew her a kiss and got out of the car with Radar hot on my heels.

She drove off with a small wave, and I bought my ticket at the gate.

For thirteen effin’ dollars.

“Ma’am, you can’t have any pets,” the woman taking tickets at the gate snapped.

I rolled my eyes and handed her my disabled license, effectually shutting the woman up in her tracks. I was prepared for events like this.

The woman reluctantly stepped aside as Radar and I walked slowly into the very large crowd that was congregating at the back of the concession stand.

What I didn’t realize was that Adeline had dropped me off on the visitor’s side; it turned out to be in my favor since one of the first people I saw was Shiloh, Sebastian’s sister, sitting at the very front center row towards the middle.

Me never going to a game before, and being vastly overwhelmed by all the sounds, smells, and sights, I was glad to see a friendly face.

Well, seeing the face was new to me. I hadn’t actually seen her for real since my vision had returned. All I’d seen were pictures at Sebastian’s place, or on Shiloh’s Facebook page.

When I got within shouting distance (which was only five feet away, because holy shit was the band louder than hell) I yelled her name.

Which got the attention of the entire group she was sitting with, including the two men, Max and Gabe, who’d very recently put the alarm into my house, standing behind Shiloh.

Shiloh started waving excitedly, and I climbed the stairs and walked over to them slowly, surprised by the sheer amount of people that were there.

Holy shit, but did they know how to sit down? The people in the front row most likely couldn’t even see.

Not that it bothered the men of the group I was headed to. They were all standing anyway, pissing off the people behind them who were too afraid to say anything about it.

“Viddy! What are you doing here?” Shiloh asked as she pressed on the man’s legs at her side to make room for me.

The man, blonde, big, and built like a sex God, moved over with a roll of his eyes, never interrupting his conversation with the man beside him.

The man beside him was Sam, Sebastian’s brother.

Those two looked so much alike it was uncanny.

I’d also seen pictures of him at Sebastian’s place, too. Although Baylee was the one responsible for the pictures.

No Facebook page for Sam, though. Apparently, it’s an alpha-male rule to not have anything social media related that has your face plastered all over the internet. I’d tried to tell Trance that everyone, and I do mean everyone, had a Facebook. Hell, I was blind and had a Facebook, but he didn’t care. He refused just on general principle.

I sat down in between the blonde man’s leg and Shiloh, turning my attention to the game before answering her.

Radar made himself very comfortable by sitting on my feet and leaning his massive furry body against my legs, with his head resting in my lap.

I stroked his hair as I answered.

“I’ve been asked by multiple students to come watch the game. One of my favorite students is the running back. Number 58, he said.” I yelled.

The game hadn’t even started yet, and the roar of the crowd was nearly unbearable to my heightened senses.
