Page 80 of Kevlar To My Vest

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In response, I got down on my knees and hugged Radar tight, burying my face into the fur of his neck and speaking to him about nothing consequential.

Then I snuck him a Power Punch, which he promptly licked the sugar off before dropping it back on the exposed skin of my thigh.

“Thanks,” I said dryly to the dog.

He responded with a tail thump, and we watched as EMTs got Paul up onto a backboard, and hauled him away, with Sandra being escorted on their heels by the other police officer.

Trance squatted down so he was eye to eye with me before making sure I was okay. “What happened, cupcake? Did he hurt you?”

I shook my head. “No, he only touched me with his hands.” I shivered.

His nose wrinkled in distaste as he stood. “Well,” he said holding out his hand for me to stand. “I think it’s time we get out of here. Game’s over. Now I have to go write a few police reports.”

He was looking at Radar who was still leaning against my feet as he spoke. Radar who refused to even look at Trance.

Which Trance noticed and frowned.

“I think he’s mad at you.” I observed as we started to walk to Trance’s cruiser.

“Yeah, I’m sure he is. He did his job tonight, and I didn’t reward him like I usually do.” Trance explained.

“But you were working with Kosher and couldn’t. He’ll understand. Maybe if you buy him a bone he’ll forgive you.” I teased as we walked through the gates, the people giving us all a wide berth now that they saw what Radar was capable of.

When we got into the car and started on our way home, I finally asked what was on my mind. “Will he be able to do anything against Radar?”

Trance didn’t answer at first.

And I knew that somehow that was a bad sign.

“Paul is a well-liked physician with a lot of clout. He got out of prison afterwankingoff on your bed and breaking in with just a slap on the wrist. I think that in this case, he really could do what he said he could do. But that’ll happen over my dead body.”

I watched as he opened his mouth to say more, but closed it again before anything else could come out.

He did that two more times, and I knew he had more to say. So I waited patiently as he warred with himself.

I watched the clock on the dashboard go from 10:22 to 10:25 before he finally worked through whatever he was mulling about in his mind.

“He had three video cameras in your house. One in your room. One in your bathroom. And one in your living room.”

My eyes widened at his cold tone, and a slow burn started to shimmer in the pit of my belly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked in outrage.

His head dropped until it rested on the steering wheel. “Honestly? I just didn’t want you to have to carry that burden around with you. You already had to deal with the sick fuck breaking into your house. I was just trying to protect you. Loki’s going to need you to file a report. None of the charges are going to stick, though. He said that it was part of y’all’s sex games or some shit. That everything was consensual. And he has a good lawyer.”

My teeth clenched so hard I half expected my back molars to crack. “Well, that wasn’t very helpful. I need to know shit like this. Stop trying to fucking protect me. You don’t own me. You have no right.”

I wasn’t actually mad at him. I was mad at myself. Disappointed in myself. Everything that had happened lately had happened because of me. I should have known better. I was just soexcited to have someone interested in me. Paul was the first one to not treat me with kid gloves, and I relished in that fact.

Trance’s head lifted from the wheel, and his burning eyes turned in my direction.

He lifted his hand until his hand was cupping my jaw, and he squeezed it just a tad too tight. “You listen here. It’s my fucking right to know everything when it comes to you and your safety. You get a speeding ticket, I have a right to know about it. You fall and scrape your knee, I have a right to know about it. Hell, you eat all the goddamn eggs, and I have a fucking right to know about it. What gave me the right? You spreading those pretty goddamn legs of yours and taking me into your body. That’s what gives me the motherfuckin’ right.”

I blinked at the harshness of his tone, and his adamancy on the rights he received just by fucking me.

Well, he was sorely mistaken if he thought I was going to let him get his way just because he pulled the alpha card.

“You can’t kill him.” I finally said.
