Page 88 of Kevlar To My Vest

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“Where are we going?” I asked as I followed Trance through a rear door at the back of the police station.

“Through the back. If we go through the front we have to combat the citizens there filing their own reports.” He explained congenially.

I knew we were going through the back. It was obvious to everybody and their brother we were going through the back.

“Oh,” I said. “So you’re not hiding me?”

He turned and gave me a look over his shoulder that practically shouted ‘are you fucking with me’ but didn’t say anything.

“Hey, how come you’re wearing your badge if you’re off today?” I asked as I walked behind him.

He raised one shoulder before answering. “I don’t know. I always have.”

“Well why wouldn’t you wear your gun if that was the case?” I asked as we pushed through a door that was lined with doors.

“I am wearing one. In fact, I’m wearing two.” He said as he opened the door near the end of the hallway and gestured me through.

I followed dutifully.

“Where?” I asked curiously as he continued walking fast in front of me.

He held up the back of his shirt in answer and I saw the broad black grips of his gun at the small of his back.

“Why are you walking so fast? It’s making me breathe hard.” I said as I took in the large bustling room.

It was one big open space with desks every ten feet or so. Probably fifteen desks in all with uniformed and plain clothes milling about throughout.

I stopped at a table towards the front of the room that had a box full of donuts and a water cooler for a snack and drink while I waited for Trance to notice he lost me. He disappeared around a corner and I turned to survey the array of delicacies.

I decided on a cream filled one first, and finished it off before going to the chocolate covered ones second. I was halfway done with that one when I saw Trance come back around the corner and start scanning the room.

His eyes narrowed on me when he finally spotted me, and I waved at him before shoving the rest of the donut in my mouth.

He made a come on gesture with his fingers, and I followed. Not before I grabbed another donut, though. This one was custard filled.

“Oh man, these are delicious.” I said to Trance once I reached him.

He glared at the offending donut before grabbing my hand and urging me forward at the same pace I told him was too fast earlier.

Yanking my hand free of his, I slowed down to a pace representing a walk rather than a sprint across hot coals.

He turned around again in exasperation. “What the hell, Viddy? Why are you walking soslow?”

“You are trying to hide me, aren’t you?” I glared.

He turned his head up to the roof and studied the yellowed ceiling. “No, I’m just trying to get you out of here before Paul gets here. Is that okay with you?” He growled.

I crossed my arms across my chest and glared. “All you had to do was say that. I would’ve understood.”

His eyes trailed down to my chest, and I followed his gaze to see that the custard from my half-eaten donut had fallen down onto my chest.

Without giving it a second thought, he took two steps toward me and bent his head. Licking up the drop that had slid from my collarbone to the swell of my breast.

“Can I find you two an interrogation room for private use?” Loki said dryly from in front of me.

Trance stiffened and turned slowly. “No, you can take her statement so I can get to breakfast with my mom.”
