Page 89 of Kevlar To My Vest

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Loki looked at his watch. “Why didn’t you just come afterwards? I could’ve still been sleeping.”

He wasn’t joking. I’d only gotten maybe five hours’ worth of sleep before Trance had woken me up.

Trance glared. “’Cause I wanted to be gone before...” commotion in the room beyond had us all turning to see Paul coming in with a lawyer.

The lawyer looked slimy as hell. His hair was slicked back with what looked like enough product for three people. His suit was pristine, and his pale pink tie only made him look like a haughty douche bag rather than a respectable lawyer.

“...that.” Trance finally finished.

I could tell the moment Paul realized that Trance and I were there. Mainly because he raised a finger and started yelling. “I want to press charges on that man for assault. His dog, too. His dog needs killing. I’m going to have that dog’s life if it’s the last thing I do!”

“He’s going to try to have Radar put down.” I gasped.

The lawyer’s beady eyes turned from the young woman officer in front of him into our direction, and he smiled.

His teeth were extremely fake looking and entirely too white. They reminded me of the gum I used to chew when I was younger. The white rectangle kind that you had to press through the foil package before you could eat it.

The more I looked at them, the bigger they seemed to get.

“Do his teeth remind you of horse teeth? Or is it just me?” I whispered to the two men at my sides.

Loki snorted, but Trance didn’t find it funny like we did. “He’s going to be trouble.” Trance observed.

“Yes, yes he is.” Loki agreed with his arms crossed tightly across his chest.

“He’s going to try to have Radar put down for sure, but it won’t be happening. They’ll have to go through me, and about nine tenths of the police force to accomplish that. Radar has saved countless lives, and saved the department millions of dollars. We’ve got insurance on him for this very reason.” Trance confirmed.

My eyes narrowed on Paul’s, and suddenly I just couldn’t hold my mouth anymore.

I started stomping in his direction. Trance’s arm swept out for my wrist, but I twisted out of his hold easily, and started walking across the room.

Paul saw me coming, and his eyes widened in satisfaction.

When I got close enough to him, I smiled sardonically.

“So you think you can come in here and threaten a defenseless animal, and I’d be okay with that?” I asked sweetly.

His eyes narrowed on my face. “He’s anything but defenseless, sweetie.”

My eyes narrowed on him. I always hated when he said that to me. He said it so condescendingly that I wanted to smack him each and every time. This time being no exception.

“You may be correct, but he is a trained police dog, and would’ve protected me with his life only if he sensed a threat. Tell me,” I said as I got in really close to him. “Do your parents know about your spying habit? What would they say if I told them I found a camera in my house pointed at my bed? Would they cut you off of your precious trust fund? What would they think if I told them you liked some more...prolific sex acts than the majority of the US population?”

His eyes narrowed, and he had a tick going on with his right cheek that showed his annoyance.

“You wouldn’t dare. I could have you fired from your precious job. Then what would you do for a living? Not many people are willing to hire a blind girl. One little word from me about you being unstable and unable to be around the public, and your little job would be gone. Sandra was very forthcoming about your inadequacies.”

His smile was evil, and I wanted to slap his face. How I refrained, I don’t know.

I just smiled widely, baring my teeth in a feral grin. “You think so? Sandra was arrested last night for drugs. At a school function no less. You’d be lucky to get anyone to trust her word. Who’s the public going to believe? A slimy doctor with no bedside manner, who refuses to see patients if they’re poor? Well, you’ll see them, but only if they have someone that’s willing to sleep with you. Preferably young and virginal. Or upstanding, blind citizen who’s dating a town hero. Please,sweetie, I wish you’d try.”

Chapter 16

There’s only one thing worse than pissing off a cop. And that’s pissing off his wife.

-Words of wisdom

