Page 9 of Kevlar To My Vest

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I was the lead teacher of the special education department.

I was also clearly disliked by the ladies of Benton High. They were not happy when the two schools merged. They were severely annoyed by the fact that I, just a measly lead teacher from West Benton High, got the job, and not the lead teacher of Benton High, Sandra.

Sandra, of course, hated me before she even met me.

She also had no problem letting everybody know it.

Since I was the one with the most experience, as well as education, I was the obvious choice for the job. Sadly, Sandra didn’t care. I knew she thought I wasn’t fit for the duty due to my disability, but I’d never let my blindness stop me, and sure as hell wouldn’t let it stop me now. Especially when so many people wanted me to fail.

“They’re searching the lockers with a K-9 officer. Looks like they found something.” Leona said.

I loved Leona. She was inherently curious, and reminded me of my sister, Adeline.

Of course, as soon as I’d introduced the two of them, Leona had fit in perfectly. We now had annual movie nights every other Thursday night where we splurged on pizza and beer and watched True Blood and The Game of Thrones re-runs.

Adeline didn’t join us as much as she’d want to since she was thirteen months pregnant with a beast of a baby. Her husband, Kettle, didn’t like her going out. He’d rather us come over there,but it defeated the purpose since it was supposed to be a girl’s night. Kettle hovered when he wasn’t working.

“Whose locker is it?” I asked.

I was getting down to the finishing touches on my final report of the day, hurrying to finish before I left for the day.

Once I was done, I had the JAWS program re-read it to me to make sure I didn’t have any misspellings, and then saved it to put in the student’s file.

“I swear I don’t know how you type that fast. Shouldn’t I be able to-Oh, no! They found something in Falco’s locker. Oh, no.”

I hadn’t realized I was out of my chair and out in the hallway until I’d already walked half the length. My cane was out in front of me, leading the way.

Falco Pendragon, a senior, was one of my favorite students. He wasn’t in special education, but his little brother, Dustin, was. Dustin had CVI, just like I did. I’d met Falco when Dustin, a freshman, had started earlier in the year.

Falco was protective of his little brother, and occasionally he’d slip in before going home or on bathroom breaks, just to check on Dustin.

He was a good brother, and young man. There was no way on God’s green earth that he would have drugs in his locker. He abhorred them and everything they stood for.

“Whose locker is this?” Trance’s deep melodious voice asked.

God, the man really did it for me.

Too bad he’d never give the poor blind woman the time of day.

“Locker 343 belongs to...Falco Pendragon. Hmm. I never would’ve suspected him of that.”

I knew that voice too. It belonged to our school resource officer. Lillian Monroe.

She was a sweet woman, but she had a zero tolerance when it came to drugs and fighting; I knew it would be hard to convince her, but I was willing to try.

“That’s because he didn’t.” I snapped as I came to a stop when I felt something hit the tip of my cane, indicating someone or something was within six feet of me.

“Mizz Sheffield, if you could please return to your room during the search procedure, I will come talk to y...”

I cut Officer Monroe off. “I will not go inside. I heard you say Falco’s name, and I know for certain it wasn’t him.”

“Well then, how do you explain the drugs in his locker?” Sandra asked.

Oh great, just what I needed was the lady luck and her harem.

“Ladies,” Trance’s deep voice drawled. “If you would please return to your classrooms, I will be by to get your statements once I’m done.”

His tone booked no room for argument, but there was no way I was letting Falco take the fall for something I knew for a fact he didn’t do.
