Page 95 of Kevlar To My Vest

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After some planning and calls, Viddy was able to get out of work for the week, too. I didn’t tell her where we were going, much to her consternation.

It would’ve been slow anyhow with it being the week before Thanksgiving break, and thanks to her boss, Viddy now had two full weeks of vacation time.

Needless to say, we went to Vegas.

Chapter 17

If he puts his hand on your head to keep you from bumping it when he helps you in the car.

-You might be a police wife


“Can you at least tell me where we’re going?” She asked impatiently.

I laughed as I took her hand and led her to the gate we were departing from. “It’s a surprise.”

“Now boarding the last flight from Shreveport, Louisiana to Las Vegas, Nevada.” The announcer’s voice said over the loud speaker.

I threw my hands up. “What a bitch, ruining my surprises and shit.”

She rolled her eyes and walked hand and hand with me to the plane.

I really, really hated flying.

At least I was able to have Radar on the plane with us instead of the cargo hold. Her blindness was the perfect reason. Even being a police dog wouldn’t have made it possible for him to ride with us, buthimbeing a ‘seeing eye dog’ made it not only a moral issue, but a lawful one. Which was the last thing the airport wanted associated with them.

“I hate flying. Like really hate it.” I told her as we took our seat.

We had a window seat, and Radar laid at our feet.

It was a tight fit, but it would do.

“I’ve never flown before.” She admitted.

I stared at her in suspicion. “You’re kidding. You’re twenty six years old!”

She lifted one shoulder. “I’ve actually only been to Louisiana and Texas. This’ll be entirely new to me in more ways than one!”

I was able to smile through my nervousness and her excitement.

I had to drink, though.

Otherwise I’d have to think about how high up we were, and I was deathly afraid of heights.

Which was how I ended up drunk getting off the plane, and not remembering the next sixteen hours since I continued to drink. Even after my brothers picked us up.

The last thing I remembered was going to The Strip. From there, nothing.



I woke up to a pounding headache, and a sore ass. Oh, and I was naked.

I peeled my eyes open just enough to see a solid wall of muscle at my front before closing them again with a groan. Pain lanced through my head like a hot fire poker, and I squeezed my eyes shut tighter.

“My head,” I moaned.
