Page 99 of Kevlar To My Vest

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My eyes widened and I looked over to Trance who was just as surprised as I was. “Uh, ma... we don’t really remember what happened yesterday.”

She looked astounded at that announcement. “Had you been drinking? You seemed like you were of perfectly sound mind to me. Micah, oh no, they regret it!”

By the time she was done with her tirade, she was wringing her hands and looking quite a bit upset. Her face looked crestfallen, and she was on the verge of tears.

“We don’t regret it, ma. It would’ve happened sooner or later, in any case. It was just a surprise. Did you take pictures?”

“Oh yes, you got the deluxe package. The one that came with matching tattoos.” She beamed. “I’ll go get those now.”

“So...” Micah started. “When do I get grandchildren?”


I don’t know what made me check. Call it intuition. Call it a sixth sense. Call me curious.

But after the third and final trashcan, a peek under the bed, behind the bed, on the couch, under the couch, and nearly every other hidden surface where things could hide, I was officially worried.

“What are you doing?” Trance finally asked as I walked in front of the TV for the fifth time.

I turned to him, startled that he’d actually noticed me, and froze.

His eyes narrowed on my fish expression, and he sat up from his lounge on the bed. “What?”

I shook my head. “I can’t find the evidence.”

“The evidence of what?” he asked in exasperation.

“Of...of fest.” I stuttered out.

His eyebrows rose as I said the words, and then a mocking grin tilted up the corner of his mouth. “Why do you think we had fest?” He asked, emphasizing the last two words as if they were some dirty obscenity.

“It hurts.” I explained patiently.

“What hurts?”

Oh my God I was going to slap him. He knew exactly what hurt.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I glared at him when I said, “My vagina.”

“So it’s a little bit sore...or a lot sore?” He teased.

My eyes narrowed, and I threw the closest thing I could at him, which happened to be a snow globe of the Las Vegas nightlife.

He caught it easily and stared at me. “What’s the big deal? So what? We’re married.”

My mouth opened and closed twice before I finally calmed down enough to realize that it really wasn’t that big of a deal.

“Now, come here and rest. I want to finish this movie and then we’ll go to sleep. Give your vagina time to rest from our love fest. We’ve got an early day tomorrow. I want to show you some of my old haunts.”

I laid down in bed with him reluctantly, but he must’ve known me better than myself, because as soon as my head met his chest, I was out like a light.

Chapter 18

How do you know you’re a police wife? Bullets in the washing machine.

-Viddy to Adeline

“Is that the last of it?” I asked Trance as he, Sebastian, Kettle, Loki, and Silas brought one last box in a piece.
