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I can’t see her, but Ifeelher. Nimble hands reach out for mine. Even in the dark, I recognize her in an instant. The smell of her shampoo, the softness of her fingers. I’m quick to wrap her in my arms, holding her so close and so tight—fearing I might lose her at any moment.

“Are you hurt?” I ask hastily. It’s a miracle when my lips find her. I kiss her hard, desperately combing my fingers through her hair to convince myself this isn’t a dream. “Did they do anything to you? Talk to me, baby.”

“I’m fine,” she insists. “What about you? Where did they take you?”

I tell her everything.

Chapter 24


“And you saw nothing else?” I ask him.

I hear the rustle of his hair as he shakes his head. “There wasn’t much time, but I’ll get a better look when they pick me up to start work again.”

We’re curled up together in the corner of our cell, seated on the lumpy mattress. Luka has one arm over my shoulder, his free hand tangled with mine. Our knees bump together on occasion, but neither of us care. The closer we are, the better and more comfortable I feel. I’m scared if I let go, even for a second, Luka might vanish into thin air.

“You’re sure they didn’t hurt you?” he whispers against my cheek.

“I mean, the explosion banged me up, but they didn’t touch me.”

Luka exhales, his relief obvious in the way tension melts from his muscles. “Good.”

“We need to come up with a backup plan. In case you can’t find the exit.”

“Anything come to mind?”

“Not yet. But what you said earlier… about this place being built in a hurry? I think that might work in our favor.”

“What do you mean?”

I reach down beside me and scrape my nails over the ground. It takes a few tries, the ground so hard and cold I really have to dig in. Eventually, I’m able to pull up clumps of gravel, soil, and a few errant roots. “What if we dig our way out?” I suggest.

“We don’t know how far down we are.”

“I know, but it might be our only option.”

“What if the tunnel collapses on us?” he asks, his concern perfectly valid. “And with what tools? We could end up digging until our hands are raw. Not to mention we’re working in the dark here. One tiny miscalculation, and we could dig ourselves into a dead end.”

“What other choice do we have?” I turn toward him slightly, squeezing his fingers. “If we stay and you finish your work, do you honestly think they’re going to just let us walk out of here? No. They’ll kill us down here and no one will ever know what happened to us. I know this isn’t ideal—none of it is… But I’d rather die trying than wait around for them to finish us off.”

“You’re right.” He sighs, resigned. “For now, though, you should rest. Save your strength and stay warm.”

“Lie with me?” I ask softly.

“Of course.”

The mattress they’ve provided us leaves much to be desired, but at least it’s something. We lie on our sides, Luka curled up behind me, his arm draped over my waist. He’s close enough that I can feel his lips grazing the nape of my neck, the soft tickle of his breath a soothing balm against my frayed nerves.

What if we die down here? No matter how hard I try to stave off the thought, it comes crawling back like an insidious disease. My heart twists, the pang in my chest unbearable. I wish I could see his face right now, wish I could find solace in those deep, dark eyes of his. I carefully roll over to face him, tilting my head up just so. I can feel his lips ghost over mine, seeking me out like a moth to a flame.

“Luka…” I murmur his name, barely above a whisper.

He kisses me tenderly, so sweet and gentle I fear I might break. I’m supposed to be braver than this. Strong and resilient, but I have never felt more helpless or weak. I kiss him, seeking the safety of his arms and the comfort of his lips. I’d happily drown in his taste, in the sound of his low moan as I roll my hips against him.

Luka pulls back, only slightly. “Here?”

“We could die at any moment,” I whisper. “Please, I… Ineedyou.”
